It is our heroes most desperate hour as the evil Mr. Mayhem stands snuffing the very life from Sol’s brother Leo. And yet, mustn't every generation rise to meet the challenges of their age? Today, a generation faces its trial. Its representatives Titan, Sol, White Knight, and Muse, must come together and face their nemesis and evil of this age; but at what cost? Find out right now in this the final chapter of The Forge of Fortitude Issue 9: The Muse’s Memory Mayhem.

This episode of APON Plays starred
Ashton Lorelle as Sol
Justin Allen as Titan
Connor Casteel as White Knight
Shawn Delp as Muse
And Ben Wallis as the Game Master.

Masks: a New Generation is the award-winning tabletop roleplaying game by Brendan Conway published by Magpie Games.

This episode featured the songs: Tension is Rising, The Insider Theme, A Little Woozy I Guess, Intelligent Galaxy, and Right all by The Insider and can be found on the album Alls Fair in Love of Wax.

APON Plays is produced by Chris Szumski, Ben Wallis, and Joshua Wise. This episode was edited by Ben Wallis and Shawn Delp.