Sunset Island, a sunny summer escape for the citizens of Halcyon City, is where we find our heroes: Sol, Titan, White Knight, and Muse. We turn back the clock and reveal the story of a fledgling team just starting to stretch their wings in this brand new "flashback" arc of Delinquent Comics.

This episode of DC starred
Ashton Lorelle as Sol
Justin Allen as Titan
Connor Casteel as White Knight
Shawn Delp as Muse
And Ben Wallis as the Game Master.

Masks: a New Generation is the award-winning tabletop roleplaying game by Brendan Conway published by Magpie Games.

This episode featured the songs: Tension is Rising, One Fine Day, Time to Move and Motivate, The Great Break-Off, and A Difficult Subject all by The Insider and can be found on the album Alls Fair in Love of Wax.

Delinquent Comics is produced by Ben Wallis and Shawn Delp. This episode was edited by Ben Wallis and Shawn Delp. APON Plays is produced by Chris Szumski, Ben Wallis, and Joshua Wise