Blu is joined by Yoga Artist, Connection Catalyst, and Movement Creator Andrew Sealy. Andrew and Blu reminisce on their first time meeting, and how it changed Blu’s life forever. He shares how he fell in love with Yoga and committed to a daily practice. Realizing that when life gets hard, it is these practices that anchor us and remind us of our strength. He also shares the harmony he’s found in Acro-Yoga, living a plant-based lifestyle, and what he’s building in Costa Rica.



0:00 Intro

4:14 How Blu and Andrew met

14:34 Every moment is an opportunity to be in love

19:28 Embodying the Art of Yoga

31:05 Why Being a Human is Super

33:40 Acro-Yoga & Supporting Harmony

38:54 Becoming Plant-Based

44:52 The Power of a Daily Practice

54:07 What Andrew’s Building in Costa Rica



Andrew Sealy is a connection catalyst, a yoga artist, and a movement creator. He is internationally recognized for his yoga teachings and wellness leadership. Andrew's teachings of Compassionate Self Love and Infinite Positive Potential inspire practitioners of all walks of life worldwide. Through the unique practice of Yoga and Mindful Living, Andrew embodies progressive knowledge while positively empowering his students with the tools needed for sustainable growth. Andrew’s teachings aim to answer the question:

How can we adapt to create and evolve to sustain?

Join Andrew on a journey to Realizing your BEST SELF.

1. 24 Day Vegan Challenge  

2. GLO Vegan Relaunch  

3. Symbiotic Ascension Center Costa Rica. Andrew's email list: 

4. Costa Rica Retreat 2022