Tammy Durden is an amazing woman who had taken lemons and turned them into lemonade.  When Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus forced her out of working in corporate America, Tammy found a way to work from home around her disabilities, 

Tammy has started 2 successful businesses: both with a mission to help other disabled professionals work as well as parents of disabled children who must stay at home to take care of their children.


http://tammysoffices.com[email protected]


The producer and host of the #DefineYourself Podcast is an inspirational and motivational author, writer, blogger, speaker and of course podcaster.

Chris, through his business #DefineYourself, mission is to empower YOU to overcome your COALS: challenges, obstacles, adversities, limitations and/setbacks and achieve your GOALS for success in your professional and personal lives.

If you are ready to start overcoming your COALS and start achieving your GOALS get Chris’ FREE eBook, The 10 Steps to #DefineYourself at http://10stepstodefineyourself.com

Chris can be contacted at [email protected]

For more information about the #DefineYourself Podcast, visit http://defineyourselfpodcast.com/

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