Jake Baird was born to two people that were filled with astonishing rage. He remembers fights, violent outbursts, and much screaming. That behavior resulted in Jake being sent off to foster homes. "I felt alone. I was alone. All the time. I lived in my head, where everything was violent chaos." 

Jake found boxing through HBO’s Mike Tyson biopic and found that he had an aptitude for it. So...he fought. In the ring, out of the ring, in school, on the street, in traffic, in front of kids, old people, young people, anyone in front of him. 

At 22, Jake had his son, "....it made me happy. He was diagnosed with Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, and it made me angry. So, I fought. Even with competing as a boxer, I wanted more. It landed me in jail and kept me alone. It wasn’t until I left boxing for a while and returned to college to get my degree that I started to calm down. Use my intellect in place of my emotion." That brought Jake to coaching where he's found a way to channel his rage, his wild companion, into something useful to other people.