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The Cavalry Year[0] & a Path Forward for Public Safety

Joshua Corman CTO, SONATYPE


At DEF CON 21, The Cavalry was born. In the face of clear & present threats to "Body, Mind & Soul" it was clear: The Cavalry Isn't Coming... it falls to us... the willing & able... and we have to try to have impact. Over the past year, the initiative reduced its focus and increased its momentum. With a focus on public safety & human life we did our best "Collecting, Connecting, Collaborating" to ensure the safer technology dependence in: Medical, Automotive, Home Electronics & Public Infrastructure. We will update the DEF CON hearts & minds with lessons learned from our workshops & experiments, successes & failures, and momentum in industry and with public policy makers. Year[0] was encouraging. Year[1] will require more structure and transparency if we are to rise to these challenges... As a year of experimentation comes to an end, we will share where we've been, take our licks, and more importantly outline a path forward...

Joshua Corman is the Chief Technology Officer for Sonatype. Previously, Corman served as a security researcher and strategist at Akamai Technologies, The 451 Group, and IBM Internet Security Systems. A respected innovator, he co-founded Rugged Software and IamTheCavalry to encourage new security approaches in response to the world’s increasing dependence on digital infrastructure. Josh's unique approach to security in the context of human factors, adversary motivations and social impact has helped position him as one of the most trusted names in security. He is also an adjunct faculty for Carnegie Mellon’s Heinze College, IANS Research, and a Fellow at the Ponemon Institute. Josh received his bachelor's degree in philosophy, graduating summa cum laude, from the University of New Hampshire.

Twitter: @joshcorman

Nicholas J. Percoco is vice president of strategic services at Rapid7. In his role he leads a team that advises customers on how to mitigate and respond to threats using data driven analysis to empower more relevant, timely, and impactful decisions. Over the past decade, Nicholas has presented security research with a focus on custom malware, mobile devices, and data breach trends to audience all over the world including a Keynote at RSA Conference 2013, TEDx Naperville, and eights previous talks at DEF CON. When he is not on an airplane or working with customers, he enjoys running the THOTCON hacking conference in Chicago, trying new and interesting craft beers, and being a founding member of the Cavarly movement. Prior to Rapid7, he ran SpiderLabs at Trustwave before taking a few months off to explore the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine. Now that he is back on planet Earth, you can find him on Twitter as "c7five".

Follow @iamthecavalry on Twitter.