You know how every once in a while, a show goes on a mid-season break? Well, your fave podcast Deeply Shallow is doing the same, though this has been prompted in part by a worldwide pandemic.  So for this very special season finale of sorts, Matt and Tara revel in the sheer ludicrousness of Tiger King on Netflix, discuss how Coronavirus has impacted their lives in both big and small ways, and give you their warmest well-wishes!

Episode Highlights:

Matt and Tara apologetically revise their stance on the year 2019Matt gets effusive about big catsHow Coronavirus got in the way of Match Day for Tara’s HubbaTara’s unconventional birthday



“I am shooketh from viewing the Tiger King!”

“If 2020 had a mental health number, that is also mine.”

“What in the Dollar General hell is going on in this world?!”

“We all owe 2019 an apology for what we said about it.”

“We have gone underground for you, Shallow Squad.”



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