Whether it’s not asking someone out or going with a salad when you really wanted soup, everybody has one regret or another—and if you’re not careful, you can end up fixating on what you did or didn’t do and life ends up passing you by. So for this episode, your lovely hosts Matt and Tara reflect on their own missed opportunities, think about the choices they’d never want to take back, and delve into why it’s so important to come to terms with your regrets.


Episode Highlights:


Why Tara could easily benefit from using a calendarMatt and Tara share their own biggest regrets from their younger yearsThe reason Matt abandoned his mayoral aspirationsOn the time Tara wished she had burned a bridge (and a few other objects)On the frustrating people who never let you live the silliest things downResolving to put aside some of their regrets




“As soon as you hit the Record button my mental health goes up a couple points.”

“If you change something up on Matt Hanley at the last minute, he’s going to burn your house to the ground.”

“That was back in the day when you could discipline other people’s children.”

“I pretty much regret every time I took the high road about something.”

“I should have burnt the place to the ground when I had the chance, but, oh well.”

“Do you even know how to start a fire?” “I mean, I can light a Bath & Body Works candle like nobody’s business.”

“To give the hourglass example, the older you get that sand seems to come through so much faster.”

“I’m a big believer that things work out how they should, but that doesn’t mean we can’t regret the way that things happened along the way.”

“One regret for someone else is gonna look totally different for another person.”

“We’re all doing the best we can at the end of the day.”

“We need to look forward with hope, not backwards with regret.”




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