Your hosts are hung up on that green-eyed monster that can creep up on us whether we’re dealing with loved ones or complete strangers: jealousy. Whether it’s over material possessions or some aspect of a relationship, jealousy can be overwhelming and toxic if you let it get ahold of you—which is why you’re lucky that your lovely hosts have found a number of ways to deal with it when it pops up. In this episode, Matt and Tara are joined by a silent special guest, break down the difference between jealousy and envy, and share their own pro tips for dealing with jealousy.


Episode Highlights:

How Matt blindsided Tara with her least favorite kind of social gatheringWhy any relationship where jealousy is a dominant emotion isn’t going to work outWhat Tara thinks is the best way to combat jealousyHow social media can push jealousy into overdriveWho Matt and Tara are NOT apologetic for being envious or jealous ofIntroducing Tara’s Weekly Ailments™The power of acknowledging your envy out loud instead of letting it simmerMatt gives a shout-out to Deeply Shallow’s northern Californian ambassadorThe room service call that went horribly, horribly wrong



“I’m currently jealous of anyone who did not drink too much last night.”

“Just remember: no matter how hot she thinks you are, she’s not gonna feel that way when I take half your money.”

“Jealousy is pretty much your own unhappiness being projected onto other people.”

“You’ve gotta be with people who are happy for you and you can be happy for as well.”

“You have to know what your true source of happiness is—and it’s not what someone else’s is.”

“Your age is not at all indicative of where y’all are in your life phase.”

“You never know who’s looking at your situation, wanting what you have, while you’re busy looking at their situation and wanting what they have.”

“There are some things that people desire that money cannot buy.”

“I’m unapologetically jealous of those with fully functioning large bladders.”

“These spouses of ours. They provide us with so much material.”

“There is nothing worse than a one-upper.”

“You have got to pay attention to those people who do not clap when you win.”

“There is no reason to celebrate anything too hard.”

“If I had a stripper name, it would be Malibu.”

“Have you ever been so hammered you ordered room service but forgot you ordered it?”

“Alcohol and jealousy: it’ll get ya!”


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