Sweet Lady Luck is the focus for this week’s Deeply Shallow, and while she isn’t able to cameo on the show herself, Matt and Tara have felt her influence (or lack thereof) far and wide. In this episode, your hosts discuss the luckiest—and unluckiest—things that have happened to them, ponder whether or not they’ve been lucky in love, and discuss the people they know who’ve been blessed with ungodly amounts of luck.


Episode Highlights:

Matt and Tara struggle with the sudden onslaught of heat in TexasThe El Paso 4H Queen herself Tara vents about coronavirus cancellations and the rabbit that hated herYour hosts weigh in on whether or not they believe in luckWhy Matt and Tara make a point of avoiding the lottery Matt’s close call and Tara’s VERY short-lived jobTara’s Super Mario analogy for surviving work in her 20s



“Did you not know that I was VERY involved in 4H when I was in high school?”

“A lot of things you touch turn to gold.” “Well, that is true.”

“I’m sure if I actually ever became famous or very wealthy I probably would have some extortion requests.”

“Everything in my life has a really weird way of working out how I need it to work out.”

“Clean-up on Aisle Matt!”

“I really feel bad for people who end up giving up really good opportunities because they have never had really shitty experiences.”

“If you’ve never gotten kicked around a little bit, you will never have appreciation for what is good.”

“I have been lucky in love as far as keeping myself entertained and driving my parents insane.”

“That is not rude, that is called ‘suggestive selling’.”

“Walk inside like you’re a bad bitch here to just get your eyebrows waxed!”



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