Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give everyone a short update on some stuff happening with the podcast. 

First over the last couple of weeks, we've put out 2 short videos on the "6 Biggest Meaning-Making Questions." I didn't turn them into an audio podcast, because they really need to be seen in order to have the proper effect. 

So you can check those out here on our YouTube channel:



Also, we've got a Patreon page that is now live. If each of you who listen became a supporter at even just $2 a month, it would be a game changer for this podcast. As hopefully you can tell, there's a lot of work and research that goes into these podcasts. If you find them valuable, please consider becoming a patron today! There's so much more I want to do together! (there's also some fun tiers and rewards too)




Take a listen to this short episode to hear more!