Today we're diving into the fascinating intersection of neuroscience and peak performance with Dr. Nuri Jeong, a neuroscientist and founder of Goals Unhindered, hailing from Atlanta, Georgia.

With a rich background in goal-directed learning and motivated decision-making, Dr. Jeong leverages over a decade of neuroscience research to empower entrepreneurs and leaders to achieve holistic success.

Her approach uniquely blends rigorous scientific insight with compassionate, human-centric coaching, making complex neuroscience accessible and actionable.

From pioneering virtual reality tasks for memory formation studies to her transformative work as a goal coach, Dr. Jeong is here to share how understanding your brain can unlock unparalleled productivity and fulfilment.

Let's explore the neuroscience behind peak performance and how to integrate these insights into our daily lives for transformative results.

 Ross and Nuri talk about neuroscience, peak performance, gratefulness, peoples energy, personal relationships, connecting with people, different cultures, relating to people, friendships, America, Walmart, standing out, perceptions, different perspectives, biology, learning, dopamine, goal direct learning,  being in a tragic accident, impatience, having control and impacting people. The pair also discuss fast learning, daily goals, goal focus, seeing something in a different way, survival, stress, constructive feedback, science with mice, interacting with technology, peek performance, visualisation, courage, serving your future self, dealing with problems, the best thing that can happen, perception change, feeling productive doing less, behavioural change and sleeping without a phone.


00:17 Intro to Nuri00:49 Nuri's background01:54 Gratitude03:05 Nuri moving and to many different places when growing up04:26 Expectations of different places when moving06:03 Dealing with the sense of overwhelm09:16 Choosing academia in the brain13:20 Links between goals, dopamine and learning15:15 Transitioning from academics to focusing on humans and coaching19:52 Techniques to achieve goals25:56 Fear learning and our brains working for us31:36 Virtual Reality36:18 Distinction between virtual and physical learning39:14 Mary Lou Jepsen - open water42:03 Crating new good memories from bad experiences and unlearning45:58 Re-association and confirmation biases51:03 Performing while being overwhelmed54:27 The last time Niri did something for the first time

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