Community Radio in the UK is a distinct platform for community-focussed communication, not just because of the diversity of the stations and programming content that [...]

The post Decentered Media Podcast 120 – Evaluation of the Community Radio Fund with Andy Parkinson first appeared on Decentered Media.

Community Radio in the UK is a distinct platform for community-focussed communication, not just because of the diversity of the stations and programming content that are available, but also because of the way community media is supported financially as a movement within the social economy.

Speaking with Andy Parkinson, from Wavehill Social and Economic Research, we discussed how the commission for research about the fund came about from DCMS and Ofcom, and what the key lessons are that have been drawn in the recently published report ‘Evaluation of the Community Radio Fund.’

The Ofcom administered Community Radio Fund was set up in 2005, when community radio was first being launched. Now there are over three hundred licenced community radio stations across the UK who are eligible to apply for support from the Community Radio Fund.

Andy explains how the CRF has not been fully evaluated since, and we discussed the report’s recommendations that more can be done to capture and explain the social gain delivery of community radio, and the opportunities that the Levelling-Up process can offer for place-based community development, that includes media, in the future.

The post Decentered Media Podcast 120 – Evaluation of the Community Radio Fund with Andy Parkinson first appeared on Decentered Media.