As we push for more media to be delivered on digital platforms, should we pause and think that we might be giving up on some [...]

The post Decentered Media 119 – Renaissance For AM Radio first appeared on Decentered Media.

As we push for more media to be delivered on digital platforms, should we pause and think that we might be giving up on some well-tried and tested legacy media technologies? As Ofcom rolls out Small Scale DAB, it’s not possible to get analogue radio stations licenced, and in the future there may be no opportunities to broadcast for many people around the country. Is this because there is a lack of spectrum, or is it because we’ve pegged our hopes on a technical platform that is suboptimal to our needs, and we’ve believed the hype that making everything digital is the answer?

I’ve been discussing the challenge of managing radio broadcast services, and the comparative benefits of analogue radio versus digital radio with:

Sam Hunt of Maxxwave, as broadcast transmission service provider.

Dr Eric Chowaniets, a broadcast engineer with more than thirty years experience teaching broadcast electronics.

Rev Jonathan Surridge, an advocate for community radio in Leicester.

Christer Hederström, a media advisor and journalist in Stokholm.


The post Decentered Media 119 – Renaissance For AM Radio first appeared on Decentered Media.