This event is part of the Marketplace Discussions series in an attempt to bridge the gap between disciplines.

Summary: Are NFTs dead? In this marketplace discussion, Pete Noble will discuss the hype that surrounded the NFT market. He will be exploring whether or not they will have any relevance, and will cover some potential use cases NFTs might still have. He will also be addressing questions and criticisms surrounding NFTs. 

Bio: Peter spent two decades as an executive in the Software industry, selling and building high-performance sales organizations.  In 2016, he left conventional employment and has since served as a consultant.  Having learned about Bitcoin in 2015, Peter grew increasingly curious about crypto and has developed a high-conviction view of our future - filled with potential for new, creative applications of technology for everyone.  He lives in the US Pacific Northwest, is married with 3 girls, and is devoted to habits of personal growth.



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For more info: [email protected]

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