Everywhere you turn there is another report or survey about Canadian’s record high indebtedness. And alongside those reports we are inundated with offers to help. But be cautious and know that the only debt relief program administered by the federal government is a Consumer Proposal. And the only professional who can file a Proposal is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. 

If you are exploring your options, here is a good place to start. Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Leigh Taylor has been helping people with their debt for over 40 years. In this podcast he talks about:

Recovering from overwhelming debtBasic budgeting and long term budgetingHow Consumer Proposals work and the key to having them acceptedStay of Proceeding that automatically stops collection activitiesDo-it-yourself proposals - advantages and disadvantages

Licensed Insolvency Trustees are certified from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and are authorized to deal with creditors to negotiate debt repayment. They provide a free initial consultation and their fees are determined by the federal government.

About Leigh Taylor

Leigh began his career as an Official Receiver with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. He is a Certified Professional Accountant and attained his license as a  Licensed Insolvency Trustee in 1980. 

LCTaylor’s mission is to help people get out of debt through compassionate care and professional service. With over 40 years experience in the insolvency field, Leigh and his staff have helped over 50,000 Manitobans solve their debt problems.  

Additional ResourcesLCTaylor Licensed Insolvency TrusteeFour Things a Consumer Proposal Can Do for You5 Ways to Get Manitoba Debt Help: Your Key to Debt Relief