A recent Leger poll taken in September 2023 has found that nearly half of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque as the cost of living continues to rise. Skyrocketing inflation means that there is less money available to save for emergencies or retirement. 

Is there a way to break this cycle? Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Mark Marshall, talks about strategies that can help find unnecessary expenses to cut to save money. 

Mark also covers:

How to track your expensesAsking for an increase in your wage Paying yourself firstPutting money into a savings account that is difficult to accessWhen to contact a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Federally regulated, Licensed Insolvency Trustees are knowledgeable in all aspects of finances and debt management. You can be assured you are receiving the best unbiased advice from these knowledgeable debt professionals.

About Mark Marshall

Mark Marshall has been working in the insolvency field for 20 years. He received his Licensed Insolvency Trustee accreditation in 2012 and has also been an active board member with Music NB. He endeavors to give each client he meets advice on all of their available options so they can proceed with the knowledge they need to make an informed decision.

Additional Resources Allan Marshall & Associates Licensed Insolvency TrusteeHousehold Debt in Canada is on the RiseConsumer Debt in Canada