Helping 106 families face death teaches you about life. Death comes to us all. It comes mostly at times when you least expect it. It comes to the old, the sick, the young and the healthy. It comes. It will come to you.

In the last six months, I have written 106 funeral services. Wrapped up in the mystery of those unwelcome days, are four valuable lessons I have learned. Lessons about life and how you can leave a digital legacy for your family.

This is lesson one - Share The Stories of Your Life

It is a privilege to be there for families when death comes. I am a funeral celebrant and eulogy speech writer. I plan, write a eulogy and then deliver those words on the sad day when they say goodbye.

In the last six months, I have written 106 funeral services. Wrapped up in the mystery of those unwelcome days, are four valuable lessons I have learned. Lessons about life and how you can leave a digital legacy for your family. Helping 106 families face death teaches you about life. 

This is lesson one.

You Can Read Lesson One Here

Personal Eulogy Speech Writing Service 

Would you like someone to write your eulogy for you while you are alive?

You might think this is a strange idea? Many people are now choosing to have the story of their lives written by a professional speechwriter to be in control of what will be said at their funeral some day.  To have personal choice over the words that will be said at the end of your life brings clarity to living each day.

What would you want your life to stand for? Are you living that now today? Having your eulogy written by Peter Billingham is not a morbid or solemn choice but one of wisdom, freedom and opportunity. 

Contact me today to find out more about our online eulogy writing services.



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What to create a podcast for your website or business but don't know what to use? You can learn about the equipment and services that I use to run the Death Goes Digital Website & Podcast here - Website and Podcasting Equipment