Huunuu believes in inspiring choices to create the life story you want to leave behind. The huunuu pipe dream had been around for many years and in July 2014 Co-Founders Clare and Steve Turner finally incorporated huunuu. 

Using huunuu helps create those crucial conversations and lets you enjoy some of the most amazing and inspiring businesses from around the world that they have brought into one place.







A Newsflash from Huunuu

One day you too will bite the dust,
Breathe your last, meet your maker. 
The rockstars, the rickshaw drivers, the drifters and deep-sea divers, 
One day we all up and die. 
Maybe we’d worry a little less about the future, 
If we all remembered this one simple fact, 
When you cash in your chips, or turn up your toes, 
When your number is up... 
How do you want to be remembered? 
Because though you can’t live forever, you can create something that will, 
So when it comes to dying - Live a little. 
Whether you want to put the fun back into funeral, 
Or go west with a hymn from the heart, 
Make your ending your own. 
And when you have embraced the inevitable, 
All you really need to fear is a life unlived. 
So love life or die trying, but whatever you do, explore, inspire, plan and share to make sure it’s a story that is uniquely yours to tell.

GETTING TO KNOW - Clare Turner and Freya Lincoln

Each episode I ask my guests 3 questions to get to know a little bit more about them.

What would be a song that you would like played at your funeral?What is a book you think everyone should read?What is a film that you think everyone should see?OUR FUNERAL SONGS



ONE MORE THING ...Thanks to Sandy Weatherburn from Social Embers for the iTunes review.

Check out Social Embers Website for more information

Social Embers provides bereavement support in areas of personal digital assets stored on the internet. To encourage end of life issues to be discussed in the community. 

Sandy has recently published a book called ‘The Life File’ which is has been designed to help people record a few important details about their life, that will be invaluable to relatives in the event of their death.

Click on the image to review the podcast

Thanks to everyone who left a review in the iTunes store.

If you enjoy the Death Goes Digital Podcast please leave a review by clicking this link or on the image (then the "view in iTunes" button, then the "ratings and review" tab, then the "write a review" button).

Yes - it's a bit long winded!

It's the best way to let me know you like what I'm creating and share the podcast with the world.

Thanks - Pete

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