Bounce Works have created an interactive game to help families cope with life limiting illness, death and grief. Apart of Me is a safe virtual space that helps families find their way through grief. Apart of Me is based on the research that shows talking with children openly and honestly but in an age-sensitive way about death and dying can prevent them from developing entrenched, complex feelings around their loss. Apart of Me helps families by developing emotional literacy and wisdom around death. It helps by curating a secure digital memory box of your loved one. Also, it helps by finding and connecting with other people in similar situations, a way to not feel alone in a difficult situation. In its prototype form, Apart of Me is launching its next phase through an IndieGoGo launch.

Apart of Me


Want to know more about Apart of Me? You can help spread the message of this platform that will change the lives of young people by going to the landing page and signing up for the latest news. 

Please support the Apart of Me campaign. It would help if you could share this landing page with at least one person who you think would want to know about Apart of Me.





GETTING TO KNOW - Louis Weinstock

Each episode I ask my guests 3 questions to get to know a little bit more about them.

What would be a song that you would like played at your funeral?What is a book you think everyone should read?What is a film that you think everyone should see?MY FUNERAL SONG



The music from the film - In The Mood For Love is especially beautiful, here is a collection of music from the soundtrack.


Thanks to everyone who has left a review in the iTunes store.

If you enjoy the Death Goes Digital Podcast please leave a review by clicking this link or on the image (then the "view in iTunes" button, then the "ratings and review" tab, then the "write a review" button).

Yes - it's a bit long winded!

It's the best way to let me know you like what I'm creating and share the podcast with the world.

Thanks - Pete

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