Today, we talk to Jacob Householder who is the second candidate of this election.

“I trust the people.”

Householder’s plan for government is to divide the powers up as much as possible. The nation would be divided into states and the responsibilities would be divided up as to who would best be suited to fulfill the needs of the constituents. He calls this a “Democratic Republic.” Republic because of the representative aspect and democratic to remember from where the power is derived - the people.

It’s another bicameral plan with the lower house being more responsive to the immediate needs and emotions of the people and the upper house being more concerned with the long-term issues facing what would be called, “The United States of Home.”

Next week, we will meet our third and final candidate.

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This broadcast is a co-production of Knightworthy Media House and the in-fiction Media Corporation at Home. It’s recorded at the Madison Liberty Institute in Rexburg, Idaho. Our production team is Raven Campos and Alex Williamns. The theme is by Joseph Cordara. The world is based on the world created by William Richard Redlich. A special thanks to Rob Denton for joining us as the very first political candidate of Home.

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Today, we talk to Jacob Householder who is the second candidate of this election.

“I trust the people.”

Householder’s plan for government is to divide the powers up as much as possible. The nation would be divided into states and the responsibilities would be divided up as to who would best be suited to fulfill the needs of the constituents. He calls this a “Democratic Republic.” Republic because of the representative aspect and democratic to remember from where the power is derived - the people.

It’s another bicameral plan with the lower house being more responsive to the immediate needs and emotions of the people and the upper house being more concerned with the long-term issues facing what would be called, “The United States of Home.”

Next week, we will meet our third and final candidate.

Join in the conversation on Reddit and Twitter! You can also support the show via Patreon.

This broadcast is a co-production of Knightworthy Media House and the in-fiction Media Corporation at Home. It’s recorded at the Madison Liberty Institute in Rexburg, Idaho. Our production team is Raven Campos and Alex Williamns. The theme is by Joseph Cordara. The world is based on the world created by William Richard Redlich. A special thanks to Rob Denton for joining us as the very first political candidate of Home.

Participate and Support:- Reddit: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon:

Listen:- Spotify: Stitcher: - Apple Podcasts: - Google Play: TuneIn:

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