Previous Episode: Episode 7: Risk

It's the end of the year and you're probably looking back thinking that you HAVE to do better next year. But do you know how to do that? 

For the past couple of years, the guiding word(s) technique has gathered popularity. That's when you choose one word (or a couple) to guide your next 365 days. That process is easier said than done! 

In this episode, we go over how to pick your guiding words for the year and how to stick to it for the best year of your life! 

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Dear Reader is based on the popular blog of the same name. Hosted by writer, educator, and blogger Icess Fernandez Rojas, each episode, will discuss the ins and outs of a guiding word and how the guests’ lives have been shaped by that word. We’ll talk to mental health advocates, changed lives, and, of course, writers who have lived their best lives guided by words.