Today on Dear Nina I have a guest with a personal and inspiring story to share about starting a new life with new friends and a new outlook after a horrific tragedy. This is unlike any I've heard firsthand, and I'm grateful for Jen's candor and honesty.

Jen Zwinck wrote to me:

After my husband was killed, I moved with my daughter to a small island in the Caribbean where I didn't know a single person. I went there to heal. What surprised me was the friendships that I formed while I was there, these women who came into my life, divinely, I believe, became my angels and my 'stand-in' family. We shared the bond of being expats and I'm still close with them to this day.

Jen Zwinck is a co-founder of the Widow Squad online community, a widow advocate, and an author. She has interviewed over 100 widows and coached hundreds of widows through her courses and online programs. She lives outside of New Orleans.

Find Jen on Instagram @widow_180

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