Dear Mattsons with Jeff and Terra artwork

Dear Mattsons with Jeff and Terra

76 episodes - English - Latest episode: 11 months ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings

Each week, husband and wife team, Jeff (MA Org.L) and Terra (MA LPC, LMFT) Mattson, will answer your BIG and small questions about raising kids in today’s anxious world. With 20 years of experience in marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, leadership development, and pastoral ministry, they bridge the gap between Biblical, clinical, and relational wisdom. Nothing is off the table! Though God says he will never leave or forsake us, sometimes we just need a few friends to help us run our race well. Consider the Mattsons your personal parenting coaches, bringing you practical how-tos that will help you lead your children with greater integrity, always rooted in grace, and remind you that YOU are the right person for this job. Dear Mattsons is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

Parenting Kids & Family Religion & Spirituality Christianity parenting christian christianparenting counseling counselor religion
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Is time out an effective discipline method?

April 18, 2022 05:00 - 4 minutes - 4.44 MB

Time out is a great method to calm ourselves down, and it teaches children to self regulate their emotions. We will walk you through effective ways to use the time out and time in approach with your child and encourage you to use it as a parent when you need a break as well.   Check out these similar resources:

Is time out an effective discipline method?

April 18, 2022 05:00 - 4 minutes - 8.87 MB

Time out is a great method to calm ourselves down, and it teaches children to self regulate their emotions. We will walk you through effective ways to use the time out and time in approach with your child and encourage you to use it as a parent when you need a break as well.   Check out these similar resources:

How to approach transgender topics with your teen

April 11, 2022 05:00 - 6 minutes - 5.62 MB

What do you do if your child tells you they are transgender? As a professional counselor we have been processing this with parents and kids for many years. It’s ok to be sad and concerned, but don’t panic, this doesn’t surprise God. We will encourage you to get support, continue to pursue a relationship with your child and hold the tension of love and truth as you navigate this journey.   Links for Supplemental Resources:

How do I get my kids to help out with chores?

April 04, 2022 05:00 - 6 minutes - 5.83 MB

Having our kids help out around the house can seem like more work for us, but remember we are teaching skills that will benefit our kids into adulthood. Join us as we give you practical ideas to implement chores for your children and talk through ways to set your child up for long-term success.   Links for Supplemental Resources:

How do I explain homosexuality to my kids?

March 28, 2022 05:00 - 5 minutes - 4.89 MB

With media at our fingertips, most kids are exposed to sex and homosexuality from a young age. We need to have age appropriate, intentional conversations with our kids early so that we will be their trusted guide, and they will come to us with questions. Join us as we walk through how to discuss homosexuality with care and grace as we remind our children that everyone is worthy of dignity and respect and that we all need a Savior.   Links for Supplemental Resources: https://www.christi...

Should I let my child connect with friends online?

March 21, 2022 13:02 - 3 minutes - 3.43 MB

Kids that are constantly on social media and video games are missing out on the face to face connections that are vital to our human development and long term life skills. Join us as we talk through how to pursue your child and learn about the games he is playing and the friends he is connecting with online. We will also discuss how to create options and experiences outside of the digital space to foster those face to face connections that our children need.   Links for Supplemental Reso...

Help! I am always saying “No” to my toddler.

March 07, 2022 06:00 - 4 minutes - 3.75 MB

The toddler and teen years are when kids push the limits, so it is normal to feel like you are constantly saying “No”. Join us as we walk through how to become a “Yes” parent by offering choices and consequences. We talk about when children are old enough to understand consequences, how to redirect younger toddlers and the correct language to use that will set your child up for success.   Links for Supplemental Resources:

How do I set boundaries with my parents and in-laws?

February 28, 2022 06:00 - 5 minutes - 4.94 MB

Grandparents are a huge blessing to our children, but sometimes they do not realize that we parent differently than how we were raised.  We will walk you through three steps that will show you how to affirm grandparents contributions, while still setting boundaries.   Links for Supplemental Resources:

How do I encourage my daughter to dress modestly?

February 21, 2022 06:00 - 5 minutes - 5.13 MB

The way we dress informs the world a little bit about you. We want to take shame and legalism out of the modesty discussion and make sure that we do not put the pressure of others' purity on our daughters. Instead join us as we discuss how to encourage our daughters to dress in a way that will highlight who they are and not put the focus on their body.

Help! What do I do when my child is not attending church?

February 14, 2022 06:00 - 5 minutes - 5.4 MB

When you regularly attend church and make God a priority, it is extremely hard to watch your college child not make that same choice. College is when a lot of kids make their faith their own and live that out in different ways. We will encourage you to give your child room to breathe and make their own choices, but continue to pursue them as a person and stay connected. Grace takes the long view and this time away from church may just be a small part of their story.

What to do if my child is a bully

February 07, 2022 06:00 - 6 minutes - 5.62 MB

As a parent, we are on alert and try to protect our children from being bullied, but what happens when we realize our child is the bully? Remember insecurity is at the core of bullying and you need to discover why your child is acting out.   We will walk you through teaching your child to ask for forgiveness and how to work with the other parents as you build a safe community that encourages our children to repair relationships after they mess up.

How do I encourage my child when they don’t receive awards?

January 31, 2022 06:00 - 6 minutes - 5.91 MB

We live in a culture that focuses on achievement and grooms our children to desire recognition.    The scriptures are full of parables and ways that we can talk to our kids about how God sees us even when others don’t. Join us as we discuss how affirming our children’s gifts even those that are unseen is a powerful way to ease the pain and jealousy of lacking recognition and helps our kids celebrate others well.

How to deal with my child viewing porn

January 29, 2022 20:57 - 6 minutes - 5.61 MB

We live in a hyper-sexualized culture and the porn industry is out to create addicts.  So what do we do if we discover our child has been viewing porn? Join us as we discuss how to turn toward your child and take shame out of the conversation. We will encourage you to take a proactive approach to discussing pornography with your child and remember that it is less about sex and more about connection and emotional intimacy.    Links for Supplemental Resources:

How to handle meltdowns in public

January 17, 2022 06:00 - 4 minutes - 4.12 MB

Help! What do I do when my toddler has a meltdown in public?   Join us as we walk through specific steps to make a plan to tame the tantrums. We will remind you to set reasonable expectations, set up a simple reward system and give lots of grace as we train our little ones.

How do I talk to my child about sex?

January 10, 2022 22:39 - 5 minutes - 4.99 MB

Sex can be an uncomfortable conversation to have with our kids, but we need to have these discussions early and often so that that our children have a healthy biblical view of sexuality. Join us as we talk through when and how to start the conversation. We will encourage you to have an ongoing open dialogue about sex so there is no added shame and our kids will feel safe to come to us with questions.

How do I build healthy self-esteem in my children?

December 20, 2021 06:00 - 6 minutes - 6.41 MB

How can we raise our children to have a healthy self-esteem and be confident in who God created them to be while still encouraging humility? If we expect perfection and are constantly correcting, this leads to insecurity. Instead, we will encourage you to notice and affirm who your kids are and the gifts that God has given them, so that they will not seek that affirmation elsewhere.  

How can I encourage my kids to love people no matter their beliefs?

December 13, 2021 06:00 - 12 minutes - 23.6 MB

How do we shield and protect our kids while still encouraging them to have non-Christian friends? Teaching our kids to identify counterfeit by knowing what is real and studying God’s word is the best place to start. We will walk through three tips that will help us get out of our comfort zone while still holding true to our core values and beliefs.

How can I encourage my kids to love people no matter their beliefs?

December 13, 2021 06:00 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

How do we shield and protect our kids while still encouraging them to have non-Christian friends? Teaching our kids to identify counterfeit by knowing what is real and studying God’s word is the best place to start. We will walk through three tips that will help us get out of our comfort zone while still holding true to our core values and beliefs.

How do I be consistent in discipline?

December 06, 2021 06:00 - 6 minutes - 5.72 MB

God gives us limits and guardrails because he loves us, and we need to do the same for our children. Rules without relationships breeds rebellion and relationships without rules breeds entitlement. Join us as we walk through how to find the balance between the two and become the parents God wants us to be.

How do I help my kids make their faith their own?

November 29, 2021 06:00 - 8 minutes - 7.67 MB

We take our children to church and read the Bible to them, but how do we help our kids develop real faith? Join us as we seek to recognize that God made each of our children uniquely in order to encourage them to experience God in their own way. Be open about your faith and talk about all that God is doing in your own life and your children will be encouraged to make their faith their own as well.

I want to be a good parent but I am exhausted all of the time

November 22, 2021 06:00 - 6 minutes - 6.08 MB

Raising kids is exhausting and balance is an illusion when parenting young children. The order of our priorities should be God, marriage, children, and when we get those out of order, life can feel overwhelming. Quality time with your children is important, but put your guilt aside and remember that your kids do not have to be constantly entertained.

How do I keep from losing my temper and yelling at my children?

November 15, 2021 06:00 - 6 minutes - 6.11 MB

The Mattsons give us practical steps for regulating our own emotions before we take them out on our children. When we inevitably mess up, they remind us that owning our responses and asking for forgiveness repairs relationships and models those skills to our children.

My kid is addicted to their phone, help!

November 08, 2021 06:00 - 8 minutes - 8.19 MB

More than ever, smartphones are a part of our children’s lives, but they can become addictive and cause more harm than good. What are some steps we can take to set parameters with technology as a family? The Mattsons are in this technology battle with us and remind us that ground rules are important, but relationships and modeling are the most important thing when it comes to teaching our children how to use technology.

How do I help my kids with big emotions?

November 02, 2021 03:31 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

Parenting teens and the roller coaster of emotions that they experience can be difficult without the right tools to help them along their journey.  The Mattsons show us how to stay calm and keep our children grounded when big emotions are on the rise.  Join us as we learn to mirror emotions, create 5 calming strategies and parent our teens with grace during emotional times.  

How young is too young for my kids to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

October 25, 2021 05:00 - 5 minutes - 5.44 MB

Jeff and Terra kick off episode one of their new series by answering the question every parent wants to know...How young is too young for my kids to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The Mattsons remind us that every child is different and they walk through questions to discuss with kids to help navigate the intimidating subject of dating. Join us as we forgo shame in our parenting and work to have open communication with our children, especially as we cross these big milestones.

Welcome to Dear Mattsons!

October 15, 2021 19:50 - 3 minutes - 3.25 MB

Parenting is one of the greatest leadership roles. And yet, most parents feel ill-equipped for its up and down challenges. There are no manuals or graduate schools for how to parent your unique child(ren) and at the end of the day, parenting can just feel a little too much like gambling. That’s why we are bringing you Jeff Mattson, MA Org.L and Terra Mattson, MA LPC, LMFT, a husband and wife team who are raising two daughters of their own in the great Northwest.    With 20 years of exper...