Well, here we are, it’s 2021. I know for a lot of you this week is the beginning of getting back to “normal” after the holidays. But if you’re like me, you probably have a lot of conflicting emotions. Maybe you’re feeling anxiety, hesitancy, and maybe even some excitement about what 2021 may bring for us all.

In a regular year, this week can feel heavy, never mind the added uncertainty that this time in the world is adding. A lot of you has have lost so much in this last year, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

My hope with this solo episode, and for the beginning of a new year, we will start taking the first steps together we will say a prayer. A prayer of hope, a prayer of healing, and a prayer of helping one another to try our best to show up every single day of this new year.


“I hope that when you wake up this morning and every morning, you will remind yourself that you made it this far. And you can make it another day, another week, another month, and another year. ” ~ Christina Rasmussen


Through this podcast, I am excited to continue to bring you, inspiration through the stories of people that have lived their lives and are living their lives with a mission to live fully. People that show up, not only for themselves but for everyone around them.

These stories and these interviews will be here to give you hope and inspiration. The goal of Dear Life is to provide examples of people who made it against all odds because this is what I want for you too. 

My most optimistic wish is that we will be able to connect not only through a microphone or a computer screen but also in person later this year. Here’s to wishes coming true! Please share this episode and message with others in your life that you think can use it. Please also let me know in the comments below or over on Instagram, what is your most optimistic wish for 2021?

Things I Mention In This Episode

Sign up for the Second Firsts Message in a Bottle HERE. Book: Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen Book: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen

Apple podcast reviews and ratings are really important to help get the podcast in front of more people to uplift and inspire them too, which is the ultimate goal. Thank you!

Please continue the conversation with me on Instagram or Facebook.