I’m happy to introduce you to this week’s guest, Debra Silverman. Debra is an author, astrologer, and clinical psychologist. Over the past 40 years of professional experience and private practice, she has specialized in helping thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. Debra is the first astrologist that I’ve welcomed to the podcast, and I hope you enjoy listening to her refreshing take on how the stars play a role in our lives.

As I was preparing for this episode I noticed right away that her world is full of life and she infuses that in the way that she operates in everything. I could sense so much strength and that she has been through a lot and carries so much. This made Debra laugh and she asked who was reading who, she tells me that I have an astrologer’s chat so I guess I get it honestly!

Debra shares some of the hard times she experienced with the death of her husband when she was in her 30s and the evolution she has undergone. She says that she doesn’t really understand time, but she does know that as time marches on, there is as she calls it a wisdom cooker effect and we learn and deepen because of all that we have been through.


“There is a gift in trusting time. There is no rush.” ~ Debra Silverman


Throughout our conversation, she reads parts of my chart, so if you’ve ever been curious about why I am the way that I am, this is the episode for you! Some of the ideas she shared were not the first time I’ve been told these things. Apparently 2022 is going to be a very big year for me!

Debra explains being an astrologer as a gift of seeing a 360 degree view of a person. That combined with her Masters in clinical psychology, and she is very good at getting a read of a person. Astrology can be an interesting way to learn more about yourself and perhaps practice more self-acceptance and how to work with how we are built, instead of feeling like there is something that needs to be fixed. Debra shares a lot of interesting insights into what various signs indicate and the parts of our charts can impact our lives and personality.

I’m grateful for Debra saying YES to life, even after so many hard moments, because of that she has this complexity and depth and also a lightness to her. I’m certain you’re going to enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

This is a fun one! I hope you’ll listen and let me know what you think.Please comment below or share with me on social media. Please share it with your friends and family, and be sure to tag me if you share it on social media so that I can say thank you. I’m @christinarasmussen7 on Instagram and @ChristinaRasmussen2014 on Facebook. 

More About Debra Silverman

Debra Silverman is the author of The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition. When Debra was just 20 years old, she met an astrologer who blew her mind and changed her world forever. She had officially been introduced to the world of Astrology. It was then that she realized the stars in her own world had aligned just right, and she had found her life’s purpose. 

Debra went on to deeply study the mind and body, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology & Dance from York University and a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. Over the past 40 years of professional experience and private practice, she has specialized in helping thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. Her work with families, individuals, and couples has her standing out in a sea of therapists and coaches. 

She has taught at the internationally renowned Esalen Institute, and her work has taken her around the globe, practicing and lecturing in places like New York, Los Angeles, London, Vancouver, Seattle and Boulder, Colorado.

You can connect with her via her website, Instagram, Facebook, and on Twitter.

Things We Mention In This Episode

Website: www.debrasilvermanastrology.com  Instagram: Debra Silverman Book: The Missing Element, by Debra Silverman Book: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen Book: Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen

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