“Christina, I am a 3 year post-loss widow and I still have moments of overwhelming sadness and then I’m fine. WHEN will this stop? And WHAT suggestions do you have for dealing with this? I know some friends wonder how they can help. What can they do? How can I tell them when I don’t even know myself? - Diane

In This Episode I Talk About:

This will continue for quite some time. That’s why they call them the waves of grief.  We never know when these feelings of sadness with subside or when they will quiet down and have less of them. It’s part of the way your brain and your heart is healing you. Unfortunately we can’t make them stop. They are part of the process and part of the journey.  What I suggest Diane tells her friends When you can’t express your love to the one you lost, express it to yourself.

Things I Mention In This Episode:

Event: Join Christina at 1440 Multiversity Book: Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen Book: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen

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