Welcome to a series of shorter episodes in which I answer a question from my community. My hope is that these episodes bring you some comfort and clarity. I want these to feel like a conversation among friends over coffee, which is why I’m calling them Coffee Date With Christina.

Those that know me, know that my conversations quickly go into the deep end and cover the big topics and feelings. That’s what I’ll be doing here with you. Please join this conversation either in the comments below or connect with me on Instagram to let me know what you thought of today’s question and my take on it.

So, pour yourself a cup and join me as I answer today’s question from AnnMarie...


“I am curious as I consider you a mentor and a friend. Even though we haven’t met in person I want to know about you. What’s great in your life right now? How has the move been? What do you find challenging on a regular basis that you just can’t seem to resolve, work around and through? The one thing that has been the toughest thing to move through. And also, where did you get those shoes?”


In This Episode I Talk About:

Why I feel it’s important to share some of my life with you I explain the innate loneliness I feel on a regular basis How I find creation eases my loneliness and why I think it’s my destiny How my move from California to Austin went My favorite brand of shoes and why I’ll probably buy them forever!

Things I Mention In This Episode:

Christina’s Favorite Shoes: Fly shoes Book: Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen

Book: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen

And it would mean the world to me if you’d leave a rating and review on iTunes. I’d love to know what you think of the podcast and how I can make it better for you. Plus iTunes podcast reviews and ratings are really important to help get the podcast in front of more people to uplift and inspire them too, which is the ultimate goal.

Please continue the conversation with me @dearlifepodcast on Instagram.