Welcome to the installment of a series of shorter episodes in which I answer a question from my community that I know many people are looking for support with and I hope these episodes bring you some comfort and clarity. I want these to feel like a conversation among friends over coffee, which is why I’m calling them Coffee Date With Christina.

Those that know me, know that my conversations quickly go into the deep end and cover the big topics and feelings and that’s what I’ll be doing here with you. Please keep this conversation going either in the comments below or connect with me on Instagram to let me know what you thought of today’s question and my take on it.

So, pour yourself a cup and join me as I answer today’s question from Karen...

“I’m having trouble getting motivated to go through all of my husband’s things. It’s been 3 years now and I want to put my clothes and shoes, etc. in drawers and dressers and closets because I’m running out of room. But I feel like this is so final and that none of the things he cherished matters. 

It’s like I’m throwing him away and forgetting him. If I don’t start doing this I’ll never move out of the waiting room. Your podcast from yesterday really got me thinking. How can I overcome this guilty feeling that I have?”


In This Episode I Talk About:

It took me 3 years to go through the closet too and what made me finally do it Encouragement to go slowly and remember you don’t need to do it all at once - start small and with less meaningful things The process I used to begin to let items go The question that I asked myself and what I encourage you to ask as you consider what things to let go The reminder that even if you threw all of the “stuff” away, your relationship and connection to your lost loved one will never go away How I dealt with photos and pictures  A podcast episode recommendation that goes deeper into this topic (see link below)


Things I Mention In This Episode:

Podcast Episode: Dear Life Podcast, Episode 13 with Courtney Carver Blog Post: The Three Green Buckets by Christina Rasmussen Book: Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen Book: Where Did You Go? by Christina Rasmussen

And it would mean the world to me if you’d leave a rating and review on iTunes. I’d love to know what you think of the podcast and how I can make it better for you. Plus iTunes podcast reviews and ratings are really important to help get the podcast in front of more people to uplift and inspire them too, which is the ultimate goal. You can leave a review right here.

Please continue the conversation with me @dearlifepodcast on Instagram.