This episode, I am talking with JR Dingwall, a higher ed instructional design consultant. I'm super excited to have JR on the show to tell the story of someone who went freelance for a while and then decided that it wasn't for him.

This episode, I am talking with JR Dingwall, a higher ed instructional design consultant who I first met through Jennifer Maddrell and Designers 4 Learning. I chatted with JR over email and I’m super excited to have him on the show because he has a really important story that I want to make sure we cover this season. JR went freelance for a while, and then decided that it wasn’t for him. As someone who is sort of always on the crossroads of this, I’m really interested in how this worked for him!

Get to Know JR

On twitter @JRDingwall

Things JR mentioned in Passing

Designers for Learning, and their Service Learning MOOC
Pressbooks, for OER publishing such as OpenPress
Professional Communication Open Curriculum

Twitter Mentions