Forget the empty promises of the get rich and skinny resolutions of the past. The goal for this new decade is to strive for inner peace, a most worthy objective and the new definition of happiness and success.

A resolution is a decision you make on the first day of the year about things you intend to do or stop doing that year.

It’s been proven most people don’t keep their resolutions past January.

20/20 vision is a term used to express the clarity or sharpness of vision measured at a distance of 20 feet.

It may be a bit cliche, but as we cross over into not just a new year, but a new decade, we all can benefit from having 2020 vision for 2020. When our eyes are wide open, we gain visual and mental clarity to illuminate the path we walk down allowing us to see the truth about what is most important to have a full and happy life.

Our mental health needs to be at the top of our list of priorities.

Rather than seeing the goal of gaining mental health and finding inner peace as a should do, let’s find inspiration and motivation for becoming and being mentally well as a mindset rather than a task. The GREAT NEWS is that if we are feeling mentally healthy, we will not only be happier, we will also increase our productivity.

Goal setting is often highly practical with objectives, timelines, and process considerations. It’s counterintuitive, but the more we are concretely goal- and process-focused, the more we can lose sight of our vision. Inspiration, on the other hand, has a transcendent element helping us achieve our goals because of its intrinsic value, something we value for its own sake.

The goal for 2020 is to find inspiration in the value of attaining inner peace in the present moment, the only time we really have. Listen to this episode to hear a list of 20 inspirational resolutions and you just may end up getting rich and skinny in the process, but most importantly, you’ll gain more meaning, value, and purpose in your life- the best outcome, the best goal, and the best resolution of all.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with love, happiness, inner peace, and good mental health.



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