Welcome back to the solo episode of the Dear Black CEO podcast with your host, Karl Sona!

In today’s solo episode, I will be sharing a very timely message that is focused on how we as individuals deal with putting the steps into a divine vision and ideas when we only have a small glimpse or small vision of what that thing is. I'm hoping that today’s message will help you to shift your perspective and empower you to stick with the vision, no matter how small it may feel or how insurmountable it may appear.

Let’s listen and dig more about stepping out on faith and pursuing God’s vision within us.


[00:01 – 05:10] Opening Segment


Before we get into the episode today, I want you to know that you can gain the security, ownership, and time Freedom You Want by building a business around a solution that only you can provide.  Head over to karlsona.com/giftassessment to download the free quiz that will help you figure out what you're uniquely qualified to do. I talk about the topic of today’s episode. The ability to step out on faith and to put courage into practice upon a glimpse of vision from God. The Intention of Creativity: A Conversation with Jerry Lorenzo & Pastor Steven Furtick Youtube Video. Move towards the divine vision even only with the small details of where it was leading.


[05:11 – 13:13]Step Out On Faith With A Glimpse of Vision


I share my experience when I receive the vision of my business development agency and the Dear Black CEO podcast. If you are a black business owner looking to grow your revenue, listen up. There is a major revenue-generating opportunity for you, and The Kas company is here to help you secure the bag. The Kas Company is a black-owned alliance agency specializing in finding and brokering partnerships between black-owned companies and big brands looking to diversify their supply chains. See the link below to book your free consultation today. I talk about my personal insights of being the host of this podcast and how it changes and motivates me. My biggest takeaways from the conversation between Jerry and Pastor Steven. You don't have to put the pressure of creating all the details relative to how you're going to do something that you've been given a small glimpse of all on your own shoulders. The understanding of how God plants ideas and vision into us in such a creative way. Be open enough to receive the vision from God. Acting out on faith and pursuing the vision. The seed of the next move. The intention of God vs. our own intention.  Creativity lies within all of us when we are connected to our source. Final words.


Tweetable Quotes:

“You don't have to put the pressure of creating all the details relative to how you're going to do something that you've been given a small glimpse on, all on your shoulders.” – Karl Sona.


“When you have an idea planted in your heart, that idea ultimately comes from your Creator, and the beautiful thing about it is when your creator plants that idea on you, you just have to be open enough to receive it.” - Karl Sona.


“I actually don't like the word creativity; I find it more of being obedient or more of being available to the ideas that the Lord gives to me.”- Jerry Lorenzo.


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Let’s connect! Find me on LinkedIn, Instagram or check out my website http://karlsona.com/. And The Kas Company to find out more about my coaching program.


You don’t have to be anyone other than who you are to be a world-class CEO!