Welcome back to another powerful episode of the dear black CEO podcast.

 In today’s episode, we are joined by Ashley Nicole Kirkwood; she’s an amazing example of what happens when you don't quit your Daydream. Ashley is a successful attorney who owns an innovative subscription-based law firm, Mobile General Counsel. Her firm has negotiated and landed several multi-six-figure licensing deals and corporate contracts. 


After being consistently asked how her company landed such deals, she launched the 'Speak Your Way To Cash', one of the most unique and successful speaker training programs on the planet. Ashley teaches speakers how to start at the top of their speaking market with a five or six-figure corporate speaking offer.

Let’s dig in and be ready to create success using your own personal brand.

[00:01 – 09:40] Opening Segment

Before we get into the episode today, I want you to know that you can gain the security, ownership, and time Freedom You Want by building a business around a solution that only you can provide.  Head over to karlsona.com/giftassessment to download the free quiz that will help you figure out what you're uniquely qualified to do. I introduce the guest, Ashley Nicole Kirkwood. Ashley shares her background and how she started. She shared her pivotal moment when she decided to leave the corporate world.

[09:41 – 21:00]  Don't Quit Your Day Dream

Ashely shares her experience in building her brand. Reaching her personal liberty and authority. The mindset of making peace with the unknown The currency of confidence  Your mind sets your beliefs and your actions How to leverage the star power of where you were to where you want to go. How she let go of the identity that was tied to such a successful career 


[21:01 – 33:15] Sell Your Personal Brand

If you are a black business owner looking to grow your revenue, listen up. There is a major revenue-generating opportunity for you, and The Kas company is here to help you secure the bag. The Kas Company is a black-owned alliance agency specializing in finding and brokering partnerships between black-owned companies and big brands looking to diversify their supply chains. See the link below to book your free consultation today. Ashley shares the story of when she just started to sell her personal brand. Be mindful of how you represent your product Some of the early mistakes in sales Know your market and qualify who it is that you are talking to. Ashley shares some insights to people who are just starting and begin to start selling their products Co-create vision with your client  Have a good understanding of your materials Make your client buy not just your product but your method, which only you can do. Competitive advantage. Confidence comes from competence; arrogance is based on nothing.


[33:16 – 38:09] Speak Your Way To Cash

Ashley shares her journey as a speaker and how she launched ‘Speak Your Way To Cash.’ See links below for more information about the ‘Speak Your Way To Cash Live 2021 Event’. How to connect with Ashley. See links below. Who is one black CEO in your network that you think would be influential and a good fit for the Dear Black CEO Podcast? Her father.


[38:10 – 40:30] Random Round

One tip of advice for anybody who prioritizes the material stuff as a sign of their success. Money changes; the character does not. Character is the most important currency that you can have that your money can not fluctuate.  What's one negative stereotype associated with Black Culture that you feel just to do away with? Black businesses can not provide impactable customer service. What's your favorite strategy or loophole towards creating generational wealth? Investing. Final words from Ashley and me.


Tweetable Quotes:

“It’s really hard for people to say that you suck when everyone else says you are amazing.” –  Ashley Nicole Kirkwood.

“Confidence comes from competence; arrogance is based on nothing.” –  Ashley Nicole Kirkwood.

“When you present a product or service to a client, they don't necessarily need to know that they are your first clients.” – Ashley Nicole Kirkwood.


Find out more and connect with Ashley on Instagram and her Youtube channel. Or visit her website www.mobilegeneralcounsel.com/ , www.ashleynicolekirkwood.com/ or www.speakyourwaytocash.com/ .

Visit Speak Your Way To Cash Live 2021 Event for registration or more information about her Three Day Hybrid Experience this November 2021.


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Let’s connect! Find me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or check out my website http://karlsona.com/. And The Kas Company to find out more about my coaching program.


You don’t have to be anyone other than who you are to be a world-class CEO!