Een gedicht dat ik maakte bij een video... Hierbij de podcast editie. Iets aangepast zodat hij nog iets lekkerder vloeit. May You receive exactly that which you need to hear at this moment. 🥰🧚🏼🤍⠀

Check de video die ik maakte hier: 


"Today is a brand new day

For You to Start Again

Live your New Life

Let go of the past

Burn it away

Let nature do the rest

It’s not yours to keep

Use the waters

To fade the inks of the old stories

Stop repeating them

So you don’t bring them along

Into your present day

Free yourself, Light Being

Let the rain wash away

All that from yesterday

You are here now, my dear

Embrace this moment 

And feel anew

You can do it 

Let go

Let go of all identification

Become aware

Of what no longer serves you

You always have a choice

So choose wisely

Each day

Today is a brand new day

For you to Start Again

Live your New Life

You are a being of the Highest light

Let no thing stop you

Shine bright

Live today as your first

Widely open to receive

All that awaits you

Miracles and flow

Just because you surrender 

To the Unknown"

Mooie muziek: Under the Waves - SVVN

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