The BBC is gearing up for the 23/11/2013 premiere of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special “The Day of the Doctor.” So far we’ve seen trailers and behind the scenes short videos from the crew, but this takes the cake. The video “The Night of the Doctor” was released today as a prequel to the…

The BBC is gearing up for the 23/11/2013 premiere of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special “The Day of the Doctor.” So far we’ve seen trailers and behind the scenes short videos from the crew, but this takes the cake.

The video “The Night of the Doctor” was released today as a prequel to the upcoming special, but don’t expect any Matt Smith screen time. This short jumps in the TARDIS and takes us back to sometime between 1996 and 2005 by introducing new comers to the 8th Doctor. Well, his demise that is. There has been a lingering question since the series was “restarted.” What happened to the 8th Doctor? He only got one movie after all. This, folks, is the answer to that question. It also answers another question, and we are getting into major spoiler territory here so cover your eyes if you haven’t seen the series 7 finale.

Who was John Hurt’s character at the end of series 7?

Check out the video below to find out in “The Night of the Doctor!”