Did you think we had forgotten about you? On the contrary! Although the holiday season has taken it’s toll, time wise, the work continues. No new episodes of either podcast yet, but the website has gotten a significant facelift. And that’s not all. At the top menu of the new site, you’ll notice categories for…

Did you think we had forgotten about you? On the contrary! Although the holiday season has taken it’s toll, time wise, the work continues. No new episodes of either podcast yet, but the website has gotten a significant facelift. And that’s not all.

At the top menu of the new site, you’ll notice categories for each podcast that we do as well as individual sections for both Cody and I. Although everything, podcast, text, and video, will appear on the front page, you can click on those links to see individual works in the order they are posted.

We hope you enjoy the new layout as well as all upcoming content and look forward to hearing your thoughts on what we do here.

Stay Awesome! – Dan