Viveka von Rosen is Cofounder and CVO (Chief Visibility Officer) of Vengreso. Known internationally as the "LinkedIn Expert," she is the author of the best-selling "LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day" and "LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand!" As a contributing "expert" to LinkedIn's official Sales and Marketing blogs and their "Sophisticated Marketer's" Guides, she is often called on to contribute to publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Money, Entrepreneur, The Social Media Examiner, etc. Viveka takes the LinkedIn experience she has perfected over the past 10+ years and transforms it into engaging and informational training (having provided over 100K+ people) with the tools and strategies they need to succeed on LinkedIn.

Author, professor, lecturer, public speaker, entrepreneur, music executive, artist manager, fighter, and survivor would be the words used to sum up, the life and career of Mathew Knowles, Ph.D. Knowles is widely recognized in the entertainment industry for his effective approach in developing and promoting award-winning artists. He has traveled worldwide as a keynote speaker, guest lecturer, and panelist at various prestigious universities and organizations.

In this episode, Dayna talks with LinkedIn Expert Viveka von Rosen, and we break down how you can make your LinkedIn profile more than just a digital resume. Page Grossman shares your daily success tip on how to stop work at the end of the day. Mathew Knowles talks with Dayna about why he looks forward to change and how he has adapted because of the pandemic. Dr. Graham Sowa explains why you should still go to the ER sooner rather than later and how to support your local health care workers. Dayna also shares her experience interviewing Destiny's Child when they were just starting out!

"You really need to make sure that people know who you are, what you do, and who you serve."

– Viveka von Rosen 

"I always look at change as an opportunity. I always look at it as an opportunity to become better." – Mathew Knowles

"If you do have a chronic disease and you're not feeling good, don't say no; it's not safe to go to the ER. If you need to go to the ER. Don't stay home thinking it's going to get better on its own." – Dr. Graham Sowa 

This week on Rock Star Principles:

How LinkedIn can help you create your brand The importance of knowing who you help and how you help them Why it's essential to have an updated profile picture on LinkedIn Building the "know, like, and trust factor" online How evening routines can help separate your work time from your rest time Why the current pandemic is a great time to plan for the future How change is an opportunity to learn and grow What we can do to support local health care workers fighting COVID Dayna's experience interviewing Destiny's Child before they were famous

Mentioned Resources:

Book: LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand, by Viveka Von Rosen and Dayna Steele Book: The DNA of Achievers, by Mathew Knowles Book: Destiny's Child: The Untold Story, by Mathew Knowles Book: Rock to the Top, by Dayna Steele Website: WCD Speakers

Connect with Today's Guests:

Connect with Viveka von Rosen on LinkedIn Website: Vengreso Website: Mathew Knowles

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