Tricia Sitemere helps individuals find fulfillment – in career and LIFE. Through her published book: "I'm Sick of This Shit," group workshops, international personal development retreats, or powerful one-on-one sessions, Tricia advocates for people to pursue clarity and arm themselves with a plan of action to move the needle toward self-actualization.

In this episode, Dayna talks with Tricia Sitemere about why now is the perfect time to make the life you've always wanted. Tricia explains why we need to stop labeling things as failures and see them as opportunities to learn. Dayna and Tricia discuss what you can do to initiate a career change right now. They also discuss why networking is so important and how LinkedIn is a valuable tool to stay connected with contacts. Dayna also talks about the darkest moment of her career when she worked at a disco radio station!

"There are so many failures that are happening every single day, but I think the way that you look at it is like, okay, maybe this is not a failure. This is an opportunity for me to grow in a certain space." – Tricia Sitemere

"Change can seem awful. It can seem scary, but it can also open up a whole new way of doing things for you."- Dayna Steele

This week on Rock Star Principles:

How to start doing something new Leading with intention How to get beyond the doubt of failure What inspired Tricia to write her book Who is your "supporting cast" Why you should provide specific examples to highlight your skillsets Why networking is more than just your business contacts How to keep connected with others through LinkedIn The dark times of disco and how great bands adapted

Mentioned Resources:

Book: I'm Sick of This Shit!, by Tricia Sitemere Book: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand, by Viveka Von Rosen and Dayna Steele Website: WCD Speakers

Connect with Tricia Sitemere

Website Connect with Tricia on LinkedIn Connect with Tricia on Instagram Connect with Tricia on Facebook

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