Dr. Kathleen Chen is a pediatric anesthesiologist from Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. She helped create protocols and procedures regarding COVID for her hospital. Also joining the podcast is Dr. Alex Yudovich. Dr. Yudovich is a general pediatrician practicing in a family-owned private practice in Houston, Texas, also affiliated with Texas children's hospital. He serves a medically underserved population for the greater Houston area, and his expertise is preventative medicine through vaccinating.

In this episode, Dayna talks with Dr. Chen and Dr. Yudovich about preparing to get kids back to school. Dr. Chen shares her experience training her kids to wear masks and wash their hands. Both doctors explain some of the protocols you can enforce to keep your family safe when sending kids back to school. Dayna and Page talk about the moments they've had near meltdowns over small things and how they remind themselves to let go of their frustrations. Dayna also shares a story from Gary Pihl talking about what it was like to work with Sammy Hagar and Tom Scholz.

"I think that kids are so resilient, and they are so adaptable much more than adults actually, and what I see at Texas Children's is that you know, the two-year-old or the three-year-old will wear a mask and they won't touch it, and they will leave it on." – Dr. Chen 

"Assuming that everyone who's out is asymptomatic—because if you're symptomatic, you really should be home—but if you're asymptomatic and everyone's covering their face, we're doing what I'd like to call universal precautions." – Dr. Yudovich

"Just close your eyes and just breathe and allow yourself to have these emotions."- Dayna Steele


This week on Rock Star Principles:

Why remembering to breathe can bring you down from intense, stressful moments. How Dr. Chen was able to condition her children to get comfortable wearing masks Why we need to be mindful of our safety habits when teaching kids What protocols doctors are looking at before deciding to send their kids back to school Establishing your family protocols to keep safe What questions you can ask better to understand your kid's school's health protocols The differences in resources between public and private schools How Dr. Chen has applied effective contact tracing in the real world The difference working with Sammy Hagar and Tom Scholz

Mentioned Resources:

The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Returning to School The Texas Children's Hospital Return to School Resources Video Series: The Woman In The Mirror Video Book: Surviving Alzheimer's, by Dayna Steele Book: Rock to the Top by Dayna Steele Website: WCD Speakers


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