Day by Day from Lifeword artwork

Day by Day from Lifeword

1,227 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

Pray. Give. Reach the World.

Religion & Spirituality devotionals obedience worship eternity god's plan hope promises of god bible study music jesus
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Not About You

April 20, 2021 16:08 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

Many of the things that happen to us are not about us, but about God revealing His glory in our lives.

Holding Out Hope To Haters

April 16, 2021 15:51 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

We should not give up hope in the possibility of God changing the hearts of those who hate Him.

Verses You Should Underline

April 15, 2021 15:24 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

All the power of securing salvation comes from Christ, and no one can do anything to break us from it.

Not Two Out Of Three

April 14, 2021 15:49 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

The evidence of true conversion and regeneration is that we will follow Jesus in how we live our lives.

Having Ears, They Did Not Hear

April 13, 2021 15:43 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

There will always be those who simply refuse to hear Jesus because they do not want to leave their sin.

We Have Your Father To Thank For That

April 12, 2021 15:44 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Christians will display certain characteristics that we inherit from Christ when we believe in Him.

He Gives His Life For Theirs

April 09, 2021 16:02 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus willingly laid down His life for us, not because He was forced to but out of His love for us.

He Gives Them Life

April 08, 2021 15:50 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

We are not saved for a trouble-free life, but for a joyful and abundant life when Christ is at the center.

He Guides Them Out And Guards Them Well

April 07, 2021 15:39 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus does not drive us from behind, but shows us the way by leading us from the front.

He Calls Us Out

April 06, 2021 15:18 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus knows us personally better than anyone else on Earth, and He wants to call us close to Him.

The Good Shepherd

April 05, 2021 14:30 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus treats all His children with love, care, gentleness, and compassion.

Do You See Your Blindness?

April 02, 2021 15:46 - 1 minute - 1 Byte

If we realize our sinful nature, then we can be saved, but as long as we are ignorant to it, we remain lost.

What’s So Hard To Figure Out?

April 01, 2021 15:38 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

Proclaiming Jesus as God’s Son comes at a cultural cost, because the world will deny us.

Mud Pie In His Eye

March 31, 2021 15:33 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

God sent Jesus as a blessing to give us eternal life, but many will reject Him despite all that He offers.

Night Is Coming

March 30, 2021 21:09 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

There should be a resolve in the way we go about our lives, because we have the Holy Spirit with us.

What Did I Do To Deserve This?

March 30, 2021 20:36 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Sickness, trial, and tragedy are not always a punishment delivered by God, but are a result of the fall of man.

Heavy Hearts And Tear Stained Faces In Triumph

March 30, 2021 20:07 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Although we may face grief on Earth, we have hope in eternity for those who have faith in Jesus.

Never Taste Death When We Die

March 30, 2021 19:54 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Anyone who believes in Jesus will only have to experience physical death, after which we will have eternal life.

Rooted In Judgment

March 30, 2021 19:40 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

When we encounter those who hate us or defame us, we must rely on God to judge those who come against us.

The Fear Of Death And The Freedom Of Life

March 30, 2021 19:20 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Because of salvation in Jesus, we do not to have to fear death because of our assurance of eternity.

Look At My Righteousness

March 30, 2021 18:57 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

We cannot point to the righteousness of our own acts as something that makes us worthy of God’s love.

Look At My Religion

March 19, 2021 16:37 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

We can’t use our religion as proof that we are right with God, if we are rejecting the love and Gospel of Jesus.

Look At My Roots

March 18, 2021 15:56 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

Our heritage and our roots do not determine whether we are saved or not, but whether we have faith in Christ.

Freed From What?

March 17, 2021 15:50 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Until we are saved by Jesus, we are under the bondage and condemnation of our sin nature.

Abiding Does Not Produce Belief, It Proves It

March 16, 2021 15:51 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Abiding in the words of Jesus does not transform us into disciples, but rather proves our discipleship to others.

Finding Rest

March 15, 2021 15:01 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

A true disciple of Christ perseveres in following Him and obeying His Words, identifying themselves with Him.

Concern For Clarity

March 12, 2021 16:44 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus was very clear when talking about who He was and how someone could come to Him and be saved.

The Uncomfortable Truth

March 11, 2021 16:50 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Many will seek salvation anywhere except Jesus, and they will inevitably die in their sin and suffer eternal punishment.

Blinded By The Light

March 10, 2021 17:00 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus did not just reflect God’s light and His characteristics, but was exactly like Him in every way.

A Global Call From God

March 09, 2021 16:59 - 1 minute - 1 Byte

Although preaching the Gospel to all people is impossible in our own flesh, God gives us what we need to do it.

Where Does Darkness Dominate?

March 08, 2021 16:45 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Darkness dominates anywhere Jesus’ Lordship is denied, but where He is present, the Light always prevails.

Plan A

March 05, 2021 16:45 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus is the Light of the World, shining not only to the Jews, but to every nation in the world.

Unapproachable Light With Whom You Can Walk

March 04, 2021 16:44 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

God is a holy and pure Light that is too majestic for us to behold, yet because of Jesus we can draw close to Him.

Sweet Tea And Jesus—No Thanks

March 03, 2021 16:23 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus is not someone to be treated flippantly or casually, but a holy Savior to be revered and honored.

Pet Ducks And Forgiveness

March 02, 2021 16:20 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Christ promise freedom from our sins, but as long as we do not come to Him for forgiveness, we are slaves.

Witnesses In Heaven

March 01, 2021 15:30 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

We should be so faithful and so in love with Christ that we are willing to completely give our lives to Him.

Don’t Let It Go

February 26, 2021 16:42 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

When we are saved, the living water that Jesus provides gives us eternal satisfaction for our souls.

You Are On The Invitation List

February 25, 2021 16:58 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus invites everyone who realizes their need for life to come to Him and receive that eternal life.

The Boldest Of Them All

February 24, 2021 16:40 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

By calling Himself a spring of living water, Jesus symbolized that the life He offered was eternal.

Ignorant And Impotent

February 23, 2021 16:48 - 3 minutes - 1 Byte

If someone claims religious knowledge and authority, but does not know God, all the power they wield is impotent.

Keep Up The Boldness

February 22, 2021 16:23 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Following and obeying Christ is a bold declaration that we are identifying with Him rather than the world.

Feeling Like You Are Supposed To Feel

February 19, 2021 16:26 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

A pragmatic approach to spreading the Gospel is more about appealing to the crowd than actually changing hearts.

Jesus Never Struts

February 18, 2021 16:30 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus did not seek His own glory, but humbly served and followed His Father’s commands so God would get the glory.

Is Your Will Ready?

February 17, 2021 16:16 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

If we have a will to follow and serve God, we will be able to discern that the things Jesus says are true.

Dishing Up Doctrinal Fastballs

February 17, 2021 15:41 - 5 minutes - 1 Byte

We can’t judge doctrine based on our own measurements, but by whether it stands on the authority of God.

On The Level Of A Poached Egg

February 15, 2021 16:00 - 4 minutes - 1 Byte

Jesus has made it clear in no uncertain terms that He is the Messiah, the Son of God, and we must believe in Him.

Judging Jesus

February 12, 2021 16:31 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

It is dangerous to make judgment calls about someone without getting to know them, and we can even do it with Jesus.

Your Time Is Now!

February 11, 2021 16:19 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

We live out the significance of Jesus’ words when we live intentionally, knowing what we do plays into God’s plan.

Not Yet Does Not Mean Never

February 10, 2021 16:26 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

Just because God tells us no because something is not in His timing, does not mean it never will be.

The Ways And Wisdom Of God

February 09, 2021 16:45 - 2 minutes - 1 Byte

The world cannot understand God’s ways, because He has not revealed His truths and wisdom to them.