Previous Episode: Behind the curtain

Good morning, good day. Good evening, wherever in the world you are, this is David Sammel with another weekly nugget, having had two weeks with my wife in Greenwich, Connecticut, where my daughter Roxanne of @roxyfitblog and her family just moved to start a new life in America. It was a very hectic but pleasurable time helping look after my grandkids whilst they had small challenges like finding a house and buying cars and furniture etc.
I'm now back on the tour in Belgrade, which is an excellent tour stop for me, because a very good friend of mine, Igor Tomasevic, who worked with me in the Monte Carlo tennis academy lives. It gives us a chance each year to catch up, have a couple glasses of wine over a few dinners.
Belgrade is a really nice city. It has come on leaps and bounds since I first came visited many, many years ago. And, yeah, if you get a chance, visit this really vibrant city with its ever-evolving modern Waterfront now packed with restaurants, apartments and a fantastic Galleria Mall
Today I'm going to talk to you about the fact that everything takes longer than we think or want. I've worked with many players for several years, and they all have certain goals, some which are reached, not all of them, but almost always, results take longer than anyone would like.
When people build businesses or start big projects there are always delays in how fast things happen. It's very pleasurable when things happen earlier than you think they will but it's rare.
Anybody who has been involved in any major building project or building a business or working towards becoming a world class athlete, will all know very well that resilience is such a big part of the process, because inevitably the timescale with which things happen, is always so much longer than you would like it to be.
Even if you want to write an essay, or have any project to complete, basically overestimate the time it's going to take because even that is often an underestimate. If you are chasing a lofty long term goal where the ability to succeed is going to take huge effort and expertise, learning these things will take time, not only to put together, but also for us to truly understand it all in our own heads.
So often we think we know what we're getting into but once we get into it, we suddenly find that it's a lot more complex than we thought it was going to be. It can take us a lot longer to simplify it in our mind so that we truly understand what we're aiming for or exactly how we're going to get there. What I will say is this is the key is to know up front that this is probably gonna happen so when delays do happen, you don't get too frustrated. Equally to understand the process of, I suppose life, is the understanding that to do things properly, does take time.
There is no set formula for how long anything should take. You just got to get into it and keep going with it until something happens and takes you forward. This process goes on and on.
The key message is, whatever you're attempting to do, there's a damn good chance that it's going to take longer to achieve than you think it will, but hey, that's okay because that generally is life and dealing with new problems is normal. Very little in life happens just ultra ultra smoothly all the time from beginning to end. It is a joy when it does happen, and some days run beautifully well so cherish them always mindful that we need to take joy out of facing challenges as well.
Good luck and if this podcast can help you relish and enjoy the delays as part of an expected process then it has hit the mark. Speak to you again next week.

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Good morning, good day. Good evening, wherever in the world you are, this is David Sammel with another weekly nugget, having had two weeks with my wife in Greenwich, Connecticut, where my daughter Roxanne of @roxyfitblog and her family just moved to start a new life in America. It was a very hectic but pleasurable time helping look after my grandkids whilst they had small challenges like finding a house and buying cars and furniture etc.

I'm now back on the tour in Belgrade, which is an excellent tour stop for me, because a very good friend of mine, Igor Tomasevic, who worked with me in the Monte Carlo tennis academy lives. It gives us a chance each year to catch up, have a couple glasses of wine over a few dinners.

Belgrade is a really nice city. It has come on leaps and bounds since I first came visited many, many years ago. And, yeah, if you get a chance, visit this really vibrant city with its ever-evolving modern Waterfront now packed with restaurants, apartments and a fantastic Galleria Mall

Today I'm going to talk to you about the fact that everything takes longer than we think or want. I've worked with many players for several years, and they all have certain goals, some which are reached, not all of them, but almost always, results take longer than anyone would like.

When people build businesses or start big projects there are always delays in how fast things happen. It's very pleasurable when things happen earlier than you think they will but it's rare.

Anybody who has been involved in any major building project or building a business or working towards becoming a world class athlete, will all know very well that resilience is such a big part of the process, because inevitably the timescale with which things happen, is always so much longer than you would like it to be.

Even if you want to write an essay, or have any project to complete, basically overestimate the time it's going to take because even that is often an underestimate. If you are chasing a lofty long term goal where the ability to succeed is going to take huge effort and expertise, learning these things will take time, not only to put together, but also for us to truly understand it all in our own heads.

So often we think we know what we're getting into but once we get into it, we suddenly find that it's a lot more complex than we thought it was going to be. It can take us a lot longer to simplify it in our mind so that we truly understand what we're aiming for or exactly how we're going to get there. What I will say is this is the key is to know up front that this is probably gonna happen so when delays do happen, you don't get too frustrated. Equally to understand the process of, I suppose life, is the understanding that to do things properly, does take time.

There is no set formula for how long anything should take. You just got to get into it and keep going with it until something happens and takes you forward. This process goes on and on.

The key message is, whatever you're attempting to do, there's a damn good chance that it's going to take longer to achieve than you think it will, but hey, that's okay because that generally is life and dealing with new problems is normal. Very little in life happens just ultra ultra smoothly all the time from beginning to end. It is a joy when it does happen, and some days run beautifully well so cherish them always mindful that we need to take joy out of facing challenges as well.

Good luck and if this podcast can help you relish and enjoy the delays as part of an expected process then it has hit the mark. Speak to you again next week.

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