Good morning, good day. Good afternoon, wherever you are, this is David Sammel. With a nother weekly nugget. I would just like to say that it's been a pleasure bringing you these nuggets. And I hope that those of you who do listen and download, these podcasts are enjoying them.
I would love some feedback as to what I could do differently what you'd like to hear about just absolutely anything. So David at mindset, or contact me on social media, Instagram, Twitter, whatever is your preferred way of contacting, but please engage with me.
Let me know your thoughts.
Anyway, without any more meandering. I'm going to talk today about what happens behind the curtain. What I mean by this, well, this is basically where all the work takes place. So if there's a theatre production, or you see, you know, players on a centre court or your favourite team out on the pitch, that is Showtime, and it's a place where people have to perform, and hopefully perform well and give the fans spectators a fantastic experience of expertise, and competitiveness, and all the drama that goes along with sport or theatre or anything where there's a performance involved. But naturally, when you sit and watch these razzmatazz events, what you don't see is what happens behind the curtain, all the work, the preparation, the sweat, and tears that go into putting together any kind of production or performance.
But what I will say is, if the attitude is right with the individual, what goes on behind the curtain, can actually be one of the real pleasures of striving for a fantastic performance. Because a lot of the work whilst difficult if your attitude is one of just doing it, because you really, really just want to get better and all the focuses on how you can improve. Then when you get the knockbacks, you don't really see them as knockbacks. It's just that disappointing. But learn from it, and move on and try to get better. And I can honestly say that in the last, you know, 18 months to two years, with Liam, it's been a real pleasure because no matter what happens, win or lose,
I remember in Helsinki, recently he lost 7/6 in the third set after two watchpoints, of course, very disappointing. The spectators cleared and we went on the same court and did about 20 minutes of work on something that I felt in the match, he could have done better.
And then off we go to shower change and dinner. And it was just part of the process of yes, you win and lose matches, whether you like it or not. And you just keep working hard to get better. But certainly never think that what happens behind the curtain is easy, because it definitely is not easy. But at the same time, I don't think it's has to be painful. You just get on with it, keep doing it and your vision is in becoming the best that you can be. However long that takes is how long it takes. As long as you enjoy doing it, keep doing it and don't see it as a trauma every time you don't perform like you would like to because all you got to do is get back on the horse and go again.
Remember when you spectating or if you're a fan, that there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and of course, once that has been done It is very disappointing for anybody, if they don't perform to the level that, you know, they or you expect them to. They're not there to disappoint you, they're there to make you happy. But of course, you have opponents, you have all sorts of things that can affect performance and if it does, it's just a shame. But, you know, keep supporting because if people are doing their best, that's all they can do.
I hope you enjoyed this episode. And as I said, please get in touch. And thanks very much. I value your time and try to keep this short, so that I don't take too much of your time and hope that out of all of the nuggets that I give that a few of them resonate with you and give you something that can help you in anything that you're pursuing. Thank you very much.

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Good morning, good day. Good afternoon, wherever you are, this is David Sammel. With a nother weekly nugget. I would just like to say that it's been a pleasure bringing you these nuggets. And I hope that those of you who do listen and download, these podcasts are enjoying them.

I would love some feedback as to what I could do differently what you'd like to hear about just absolutely anything. So David at mindset, or contact me on social media, Instagram, Twitter, whatever is your preferred way of contacting, but please engage with me.

Let me know your thoughts.

Anyway, without any more meandering. I'm going to talk today about what happens behind the curtain. What I mean by this, well, this is basically where all the work takes place. So if there's a theatre production, or you see, you know, players on a centre court or your favourite team out on the pitch, that is Showtime, and it's a place where people have to perform, and hopefully perform well and give the fans spectators a fantastic experience of expertise, and competitiveness, and all the drama that goes along with sport or theatre or anything where there's a performance involved. But naturally, when you sit and watch these razzmatazz events, what you don't see is what happens behind the curtain, all the work, the preparation, the sweat, and tears that go into putting together any kind of production or performance.

But what I will say is, if the attitude is right with the individual, what goes on behind the curtain, can actually be one of the real pleasures of striving for a fantastic performance. Because a lot of the work whilst difficult if your attitude is one of just doing it, because you really, really just want to get better and all the focuses on how you can improve. Then when you get the knockbacks, you don't really see them as knockbacks. It's just that disappointing. But learn from it, and move on and try to get better. And I can honestly say that in the last, you know, 18 months to two years, with Liam, it's been a real pleasure because no matter what happens, win or lose,

I remember in Helsinki, recently he lost 7/6 in the third set after two watchpoints, of course, very disappointing. The spectators cleared and we went on the same court and did about 20 minutes of work on something that I felt in the match, he could have done better.

And then off we go to shower change and dinner. And it was just part of the process of yes, you win and lose matches, whether you like it or not. And you just keep working hard to get better. But certainly never think that what happens behind the curtain is easy, because it definitely is not easy. But at the same time, I don't think it's has to be painful. You just get on with it, keep doing it and your vision is in becoming the best that you can be. However long that takes is how long it takes. As long as you enjoy doing it, keep doing it and don't see it as a trauma every time you don't perform like you would like to because all you got to do is get back on the horse and go again.

Remember when you spectating or if you're a fan, that there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and of course, once that has been done It is very disappointing for anybody, if they don't perform to the level that, you know, they or you expect them to. They're not there to disappoint you, they're there to make you happy. But of course, you have opponents, you have all sorts of things that can affect performance and if it does, it's just a shame. But, you know, keep supporting because if people are doing their best, that's all they can do.

I hope you enjoyed this episode. And as I said, please get in touch. And thanks very much. I value your time and try to keep this short, so that I don't take too much of your time and hope that out of all of the nuggets that I give that a few of them resonate with you and give you something that can help you in anything that you're pursuing. Thank you very much.

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