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David Gornoski

1,815 episodes - English - Latest episode: 8 days ago - ★★★★★ - 18 ratings

A Neighbor's Choice radio show and THINGS HIDDEN podcast are the two main audio programs of David Gornoski.

THINGS HIDDEN is a deep-dive podcast into the world of mythology and current events guided by the Mimetic theory of Rene Girard and grounded in the personhood revolution of Jesus.

Hosted by David Gornoski, A Neighbor’s Choice Radio examines the role of violence and religion in society. From victims of state violence against nonviolent behaviors to public figures and contrarian voices, the conversations that unfold create an illuminating and surreal journey for listeners.

Society & Culture Science Social Sciences freedom scapegoating aneighborschoice anthropology davidgornoski desire envy mimetictheory nonviolence renegirard
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Veterans Radio: Return of the Swamp Creatures - A Neighbor's Choice

November 24, 2020 00:10 - 24 minutes - 14.4 MB

Sgt. Dan McKnight of Bring Our Troops Home returns for another segment of Veterans Radio and he is joined by Danny Sjursen, author of Patriotic Dissent. McKnight gives us another rundown on all the returning swamp creatures in Biden's administration. Who are the generals that Biden is bringing in and how many of them has deep ties to the Military Industrial Complex? Who are the Atlantic Council and why are they for delaying troop withdrawal from Afghanistan? Who is Michèle Flournoy and why ...

Reject the Government's Fake Alternatives - A Neighbor's Choice

November 23, 2020 23:47 - 21 minutes - 9.89 MB

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the election fallout. Conservative Inc. has more in common with the Left than you'd like to realize, David says as he highlights how Republicans like Liz Cheney target Trump for his insistence to bring the troops home. Why are many Americans being evicted from their homes? Can the government save us by printing more money? Government, David says, always provide fake alternatives to the real thing. "The people want the real thing." Listen to the full e...

End of the Priesthood - A Neighbor's Choice

November 23, 2020 23:39 - 47 minutes - 22.4 MB

Ninety-six percent of Dominion's employees donate to the Democrats. "The establishment isn't interested in moving away from the partisan voting system," David Gornoski says as he begins his analysis of the latest news surrounding this disputed presidential election. How easy is it to hack the Dominion voting software? David Gornoski highlights how, four years ago, Fox News said hacking Dominion was possible but now are pretending that it's not possible. Join David for another epic takedown o...

Jim O'Neill Makes the Case for Dramatic Anti-Aging Medicine

November 21, 2020 16:09 - 43 minutes - 32 MB

In this important conversation on health, David Gornoski sits down with Jim O'Neill, CEO of the SENS Research Foundation. How do we effectively fight viruses such as COVID-19? O'Neill brings attention to the urgency of strengthening our immune systems. Why should we look into anti-aging? Anti-aging research, O'Neill says, looks into the possibility of targeting senescent cells where many diseases take hold. How soon can we see the results of this research? Given our societal norms, is overco...

Captives Set Free! Rufus Rochell Reunites with Brother Rick Williams - A Neighbor's Choice

November 20, 2020 23:51 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on the news of the Mayfair mall shooting in Wisconsin. "The problem with many today is that they see institutions or ideologies as more sacred than human life." David is joined by Rufus Rochell, a friend of the show, and the two break the story that Rufus' brother Richard Williams has received clemency from President Trump. Richard tells us about how he was indicted unjustly on drug conspiracy charges and how, after a long struggle, he was ...

Trail Thoughts: From Despair to Hope - A Neighbor's Choice

November 20, 2020 23:48 - 25 minutes - 11.7 MB

Investigative journalist Alec Klein and noted publisher Eric Kampmann return for a brand new segment of Trail Thoughts. The two start the segment with an emphasis on the season of Advent. Eric turns to the story of the road to Emmaus. How would this story reflect on our lives today, especially with the pandemic and the socio-political unrest going on? Where is hope to be found? "I see no hope in governments. I see hope in human hearts." How does Jesus' incarnation effect hope in humanity? Li...

Media Myths Losing Steam - A Neighbor's Choice

November 20, 2020 23:46 - 21 minutes - 9.9 MB

David Gornoski continues his deconstruction of the media's alliance with state institutions in manipulating the masses with scapegoating lies. David also comments on the New York Times' admission that Trump was right in not wanting to close public schools. The good news is that the vast majority of folks are losing faith in the squawk box more and more, David says as he highlights how the media narrative is losing steam. Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski unearths the sacrificial a...

Tho Bishop: Trump's Legal Team Makes Unprecedented Claim - A Neighbor's Choice

November 19, 2020 23:31 - 25 minutes - 12.6 MB

Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute returns to the show to comment on the latest press conference by President Trump's legal team. What is so different about this press conference? Tho Bishop says that this has now moved beyond the mere claim of voter fraud. Now that Trump's team is hinting at institutional conspiracy, what recourse is available for the President? How unprecedented is this allegation in the history of America? How will Biden's national lockdown impact our country? Listen to th...

Science and U: New Kind of Electrons - A Neighbor's Choice

November 19, 2020 23:29 - 21 minutes - 10.7 MB

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another segment of Science and U. The physicist starts the segment by commenting on the development of a new lightweight molecule-based magnet that exhibits unprecedented magnetic properties. "This is a confirmation," Dr. Yu says, "every single elements--atoms and molecules--have magnetic properties." Dr. Yu also comments on the news that scientists have finally found an answer to the mystery of why certain materials emit electrons with a very specific energy. Lis...

Danish Mask Study, Lockdown Dogma Crashes - A Neighbor's Choice

November 19, 2020 23:26 - 47 minutes - 22.4 MB

David Gornoski starts the show with a deconstruction of the corporate media's infatuation with Obama. David moves on to comment on a recent Danish study that says, "face masks provide the wearer with only limited protection against COVID-19 infection." What does this mean for the COVID narrative being pushed by the media? David also comments on Klaus Schwab's remarks in his book on the "Great Reset." Listen to the full episode for a rundown on the latest news surrounding the groupthink media...

Dr. Chris Knobbe Exposes the Devastating Effects of Omega 6 Seed Oils, PUFAs

November 19, 2020 14:41 - 1 hour - 52.1 MB

David Gornoski sits down with ophthalmologist and founder of Cure AMD Foundation, Chris Knobbe. Knobbe details his journey from suffering from arthritis to regaining his health through a controlled diet. The conversation shifts to what is causing the current health crisis, especially in the pandemic, that we're seeing thanks to processed food which contains sugar with seed and vegetable oils. Within a century, the United States went from having zero heart-related deaths to having a third of ...

Erin Haney: Reform in Probation and Parole - A Neighbor's Choice

November 19, 2020 02:00 - 45 minutes - 23.6 MB

In this episode, David Gornoski and co-host Chelsea Murphy are joined by Erin Haney, lawyer and Policy Director at Reform Alliance. Erin talks about a variety of topics related to criminal justice reform, particularly the stumbling blocks for prisoners under community supervision. "Unfortunately, it really is such a broken system and what ends up happening is that people live in such terror, that they're going to be sent to prison literally for being late to a meeting." Erin suggests that re...

How to Save Persons from Tribal Warfare - A Neighbor's Choice

November 18, 2020 23:21 - 55 minutes - 26.4 MB

David Gornoski starts the episode with a commentary on the mass surveillance state pushed by the political establishment. "Human beings are rational in their acceptance and worship of government," David says, "it is something that comes from thousands of years of anthropology. Government is the last vestige of religion." How do we defend the human person in this sea of coercion and sacrifice? "Tell the stories of the victims," David answers. Listen to the full episode to find out how we can ...

Building a New World - A Neighbor's Choice

November 18, 2020 23:19 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

In this episode, David Gornoski gives us an anthropological breakdown of the mythology behind the "Great Reset." "The ancient world believed that the best was at the beginning of time--the golden age," David says as he brings attention to the archaic practice of religious sacrifice meant to effect resets in societies. But in today's post-Christian world, the personhood project of Jesus Christ has made it impossible for societies to unanimously bind around sacrifices. How has Christ changed t...

Carnivore Dr. Al Danenberg on Rethinking Dental Health, Gut Issues, and Cancer

November 18, 2020 20:38 - 1 hour - 46.2 MB

Dr. Al Danenberg, periodontist and author of The Better Belly Blueprint, joins David Gornoski for an important conversation on maintaining dental health and fighting diseases with carnivore diet. On consuming products like processed food, sugar, and vegetable oils, Dr. Danenberg warns: "If you eat certain foods that are literally poison, you will die! It may not kill a cow or a lion," he continues, "but it will kill you because your DNA is not designed to do that... We feed ourselves all ...

Adam Ellwanger: Is Politics Pro-wrestling? - A Neighbor's Choice

November 17, 2020 23:55 - 45 minutes - 21.7 MB

Is our democracy rigged just like a pro-wrestling match? Adam Ellwanger, professor of English at the University of Houston–Downtown and writer at Human Events, joins David Gornoski to expound on this matter where presidential elections can't be fairly decided thanks to media bias. Ellwanger says that whereas pro-wrestling will subtly acknowledge our recognition that it is choreographed, the mainstream media will demand that we cheer for their designated "good guys." How do we deprogramme our...

Big Corporations Perish by Their Own Sword, Daniel McAdams on Color Revolutions - A Neighbor's Choice

November 17, 2020 23:30 - 46 minutes - 22.2 MB

Why are we seeing the mantra "Build Back Better" all around us all of a sudden? David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on the globalist pushback against Trump's America first philosophy. David also comments on the news that America’s corporate titans have racked up $1.4 trillion of debt. "Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword," David says while reflecting on corporations struggling due to their own government-assisted coercion of the market. Also in the show, Daniel ...

DC Film Series: War and the Rogue Presidency with Ivan Eland

November 16, 2020 23:54 - 21 minutes - 21.8 MB

Ivan Eland, defense analyst and author of books such as Recarving Rushmore and War and the Rogue Presidency, sits down with David Gornoski to discuss the history of America's warhawk policies from both the Democratic and Republican parties. The two look particularly at the practice of starting wars from false flags and the myth of retribution. Did the US know that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor? Whose side are we on in Syria? How does war relate to the ancient religious practice of...

Veterans Radio: Meet Biden's War Hawks - A Neighbor's Choice

November 16, 2020 23:39 - 25 minutes - 12.1 MB

Sgt. Dan McKnight returns with another segment of Veterans Radio. The founder of Bring Our Troops Home talks about the war hawks being brought in for Biden's administration. Sgt. McKnight highlights the inclusion of people like Michèle Flournoy and Avril Haines, people who helped engineer the regime change in Libya. Plus, David and Dan comment on President's Trump's appointing of Doug MacGregor as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and whether Trump will be able to bring US troops ho...

Dr. Thomas Seyfried on Latest Cancer Ketogenic Therapies - A Neighbor's Choice

November 16, 2020 23:36 - 21 minutes - 10.7 MB

In this episode, Dr. Thomas Seyfried, the leading researcher of the metabolic theory of cancer, joins David Gornoski for a fascinating conversation on what exactly causes cancer and how we can take precautionary measures against it with ketogenic therapy. Has sugar intake increased cancer cases all over the world? Is there a link between gut health and cancer? Listen to the full episode to learn how you can beat cancer and leave it in the ash heap of humanity's history. Visit Dr. Syfried's...

Equality is a Magnetic Illusion - A Neighbor's Choice

November 16, 2020 23:33 - 47 minutes - 22.8 MB

Where did Biden's 'Dark Winter" come from? "They are losing out on the battle for ideas," David Gornoski says about our political establishment, "that's why they have to revert to censorship." Join David as he continues his devastating critique of the statist left and their fear-infused political, nutritional, and cultural propaganda. Plus, David also deconstructs Justin Trudeau's claim to "reset" the world for equality, equity, and green energy. Is equality desirable? Listen to the full epi...

Angela Stanton-King: Setting the Captives Free - A Neighbor's Choice

November 15, 2020 16:35 - 41 minutes - 21.7 MB

In this classic interview from October 21, 2019, David Gornoski is joined by criminal justice advocate Angela Stanton-King. The two discuss the successes that came from President Trump's First Step Act; the Christian case for setting the captives free; the need to provide redemption to first-time non-violent offenders; the folly of creating violence through prohibition and black markets; and more. Also in this episode, David comments extensively on the Russiagate scandal, the green energy sc...

David Sinclair: The Pandemic from a Biologist's Perspective - A Neighbor's Choice

November 14, 2020 18:30 - 42 minutes - 20.9 MB

In this classic interview from March 16, 2020, David Gornoski is joined by Australian Harvard biologist David Sinclair to discuss the COVID pandemic. Later in the show, Dr. Weiping Yu joins in and the physicist asks some important questions. How long is the pandemic going to last and what can we do to combat it? What kind of cure can we develop? What medical preconditions decide how susceptible we are to the virus? Are there nutritional and dietary precautions we can take? Listen to the full...

Death of Dominion - A Neighbor's Choice

November 13, 2020 23:36 - 49 minutes - 23.4 MB

Having deconstructed the trends brought on by politicization, David Gornoski expands on the need for role models that encourage excellence through freedom and voluntary self-sacrifice. David argues that the imitation of Jesus is key to breaking away from the illusion of the toxic groupthink of our times. Why do we need to look to Jesus? What is so different about Jesus' kingdom than that of the world? "If you want to imitate Jesus' life, it's going to look upside down from everybody else's k...

Unification Comes Through Depoliticization - A Neighbor's Choice

November 13, 2020 23:27 - 46 minutes - 22.4 MB

When the news media says "there's nothing to see here," David argues, there's every reason to stop and see a little more. Now that the false unification of the corporate press is crumbling before our eyes, how do we unify this country? In this era of postmodernism, what narrative can we bind ourselves around? "We have to deprioritize politics as something we put our faith in." Look towards the great innovators, David urges us, men like Nikola Tesla did not wait for the results of the electio...

Ryan McMaken: The Naivety of Democracy - A Neighbor's Choice

November 12, 2020 23:44 - 25 minutes - 11.6 MB

Ryan McMaken, editor at the Mises Institute, joins David Gornoski to talk about the claims of voter fraud, the neocon betrayal of Donald Trump, media manipulation, and other topics surrounding the presidential election. Why is the corporate media siding with the neocon establishment against Trump? Is it due to just lemming groupthink or is there a far more nihilistic agenda? McMaken says that the media's stance is not just ideological but also due to laziness. "It's much easier to get on a p...

Science and U: A Better Way Towards Nuclear Fusion - A Neighbor's Choice

November 12, 2020 23:41 - 21 minutes - 9.52 MB

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another mythbusting segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on some of the latest news in the world of science--news such as the development of a spherical tokamak reactor. Can this experimental nuclear reactor move fusion forward? "We're heading in the wrong direction," Dr. Yu says, "this kind of traditional fusion theory isn't correct." Is there a better way to generate nuclear fusion? Dr. Yu also comments on the study which claims that the universe is ...

Welcome to the Wild West - A Neighbor's Choice

November 12, 2020 23:38 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

"Welcome to the wild west of the media." David Gornoski starts the show by urging an alliance with honest progressives to battle the neoliberal establishment and corporate fascists who are running our country into the ground. David cautions us not to take the words of the corporate press at face value while pointing out their anti-justice record when it comes to beating war drums for the state. Don't depend on the media and the political establishment for advice on science, medicine, and nut...

The Future of Criminal Justice - A Neighbor's Choice

November 11, 2020 23:20 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

With Joe Biden alleged to be the successor to President Trump, what lies in store when it comes to criminal justice reformation. Join David Gornoski? Chelsea Murphy, and conservative justice reform advocate David Safavian as they discuss how conservatives can fight for justice reform under a Biden presidency. How can we help former offenders integrate into society with clean slates? Also in the show, CAN-DO Clemency's Amy Povah calls in to highlight the story of Charles Scott, who is current...

Karen Kwiatkowski: A Reflection on Foreign Policy - A Neighbor's Choice

November 11, 2020 23:14 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

David Gornoski continues his assessment of the presidential election and addresses whether or not individual citizens should be held accountable for the actions of the government. Also in the show, ret. Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski joins David for a Veterans Day interview on America's foreign policy and what President Trump can do to stop the endless wars abroad and the persecution of whistleblowers. Why have so many people voted for Biden and will they be happy when they finally get to see hi...

How Media Shapes Our Senses - A Neighbor's Choice

November 10, 2020 23:35 - 46 minutes - 22.2 MB

How do we get out of the left-right paradigm? "We flip the narrative," David Gornoski says as he explains that the answer lies in putting skin in the game and focusing on innovation. James Kourtides calls in to expand on this issue. Kourtides says that the work of Marshall McLuhan is paramount if we are to understand the media manipulation of our time. Also in this episode, Sir Owen returns to comment on the increasing tribalism in American society as well as the various interesting news hea...

A Toast to Democracy - A Neighbor's Choice

November 10, 2020 23:31 - 46 minutes - 22.4 MB

The left has been so conditioned that they blame their own freedom for the problems in economy and governance. Is freedom to be blamed? David Gornoski analyzes the news surrounding the election and highlights the core problems in the crowd psyche. Plus, anthropologist Mark Sunwall calls in to address the deep divide and the total lack of trust within our culture right now. Is our divide merely political or is there a deeper, philosophical aspect to it? How do we escape this hallucination of ...

Veterans Radio: Defend the Guard - A Neighbor's Choice

November 09, 2020 23:25 - 25 minutes - 12.5 MB

Joining David Gornoski for a Veterans Radio segment of the show is Mike Maharrey and Sgt. Dan McKnight of Bring Our Troops Home. Sgt. McKnight starts by explaining to us the constitutional role of the national guard and how the loyalty of the guard is being abused by the government in the form of endless wars. Maharrey and McKnight then shift the conversation to the "Defend the Guard" Legislation that is being proposed to combat this abuse. What steps can we take to preserve the Republic and...

President Trump's Pastor Darrell Scott: "It's Not Over Yet" - A Neighbor's Choice

November 09, 2020 23:23 - 21 minutes - 10.5 MB

Dr. Darrel Scott, joins David Gornoski to comment on President Trump's intention to fight back against his opponents, ballot frauds, and the surprising minority turnout for Trump. David and Pastor Scott also highlight that the Left is still acting violent but Trump's supporters, despite being angry, has not resorted to violence. Why are the Democrats calling for unity only now when they are claiming power? How should Christians approach this state of unrest right now? Follow Dr. Darrell Sc...

The Cages Will No Longer Be Televised, Rep. Sabatini Shows Why Election Still in Play - A Neighbor's Choice

November 09, 2020 23:19 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

The media will now try to convince you that their hallucination of Trump building cages for immigrants is one hundred percent right. This is more than an election, David Gornoski says, this is about the myth that the corporate press is formulating. Why are tyrants like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris paraded as role models by the media? Will this modern mythology take unanimous hold among the masses? Also in the show, Florida rep. Anthony Sabatini calls in to discuss the ongoing legal investigat...

Science and U: Complex Magnetism - A Neighbor's Choice

November 08, 2020 14:17 - 8 minutes - 5.69 MB

In this classic Science and U segment from January 9, 2020, physicist Dr. Weiping Yu comments on the latest science news from around the world. The physicist reflects on the news of LIGO picking up on gravitational waves emitted during a celestial scuffle between two neutron stars. Plus, Dr. Yu also comments on pulsar’s surface hinting at complex magnetism. Listen to the full segment for all this and more. Visit A Neighbor's Choice at aneighborschoice.com

Exorcising the Spirit of Bloodlust in DC - A Neighbor's Choice

November 08, 2020 14:14 - 33 minutes - 16.6 MB

In this classic episode from January 9, 2020, David Gornoski is joined by Pat McGeehan, Republican member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, and Lawrence B. Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. The conversation starts off with Trump's foreign policy actions in the Middle East and then moves to the swamp in DC and their bias for war; the monetary cost of war; and more. Visit A Neighbor's Choice at aneighborschoice.com

Science and U: Brian Greene Interview - A Neighbor's Choice

November 07, 2020 15:48 - 39 minutes - 19.2 MB

In this classic episode from February 27, 2020, theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of 'Until the End of Time,' joins David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu. David starts off the episode by briefly reflecting on the trial of Julian Assange. Is string theory the solution to better grasp the universe? Are we really designed for fitness and not truth as Greene's book claims? Also, Dr. Yu poses some startling questions to Greene that challenge the fundamentals of physics, including quantum phy...

Forecaster James Dale Davidson of Sovereign Individual Predicts What's Next - A Neighbor's Choice

November 06, 2020 23:18 - 47 minutes - 22.5 MB

James Dale Davidson, author of the Sovereign Individual, joins David Gornoski to sort out the quagmire that this election has created. Is secession a probability now for our nation? What lies in store for Donald Trump if he loses this election? James Dale Davidson answers by talking about his time spent with Trump; he describes a man who is very shrewd and not very interested in ideas. How deep is the web of lies spun in our society? They're everywhere, Dale Davidson argues, even in nutriti...

Trail Thoughts: Where Does Our Help Come From? - A Neighbor's Choice

November 06, 2020 23:15 - 25 minutes - 12.6 MB

Alec Klein and Eric Kampmann return for a new segment of Trail Thoughts. In this episode, they reflect on the poorly run Presidential election. The two points us to scripture which says, "My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth." Eric expands on this verse by telling us of his interaction with an African missionary. How can we trust God to deliver us despite our desire for substitutes to His will? Listen to the full segment to find out and more. Visit the A Neighbor's Choice...

The Disastrous Effects of Biden's Crime Policies - A Neighbor's Choice

November 06, 2020 23:13 - 21 minutes - 10.1 MB

Rufus Rochell, unjustly incarcerated for forty years and currently in home confinement, returns to the show to talk about his appeal for clemency being repeatedly rejected by Obama. Rufus also tells us of the horrors that befell many individuals in the aftermath of Biden's crime bill. How has President Trump impacted criminal justice with the first step act? Rufus answers this question by recounting how his brother was freed thanks to this welcome act. Visit A Neighbor's Choice at aneighbo...

Tho Bishop on Election Fallout - A Neighbor's Choice

November 05, 2020 23:34 - 25 minutes - 13.4 MB

What do the trends in the ballot counting suggest? Will the election end up in the courts? Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute joins the show to analyze the controversy surrounding the election. What will be Donald Trump's next move? What lies in store for the pro-liberty, non-interventionist movement in case of a Biden win? Given Biden's track record on waging wars and locking up non-violent offenders, things do not look promising. Visit the A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborschoice.com

Science and U: Earth Keeps Pulsating - A Neighbor's Choice

November 05, 2020 23:32 - 21 minutes - 10.6 MB

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show for another refreshing segment of Science and U. According to a recent article, the Earth is pulsating every 26 seconds but scientists still cannot explain it. Is there an explanation for this? How can we rethink things like physics and technology without politicization and coercion? The future of innovation lies in decentralization, says David Gornoski. Listen to the full episode for all this and more. Visit the A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborsc...

What's Next? Jerry Bowyer: The Collapse of Our Political Cathedral - A Neighbor's Choice

November 05, 2020 23:28 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

Are the Republicans suffering from the bystander effect? "The Republican party was all over Trump when he was bringing them alive but now there's nothing but crickets." Join David Gornoski as he comments on why the Left has such a cultural hold on people; the anthropological effect of Christianity; and Donald Trump's impact on culture. Also in this episode, Jerry Bowyer, editor of Townhall Finance, joins in to offer his perspective on the allegations of voter fraud, post-election race relati...

When These Things Begin - A Neighbor's Choice

November 04, 2020 23:19 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

The media polls got it horribly wrong yet again! Why would anyone continue to listen to them? Why is there an unprecedented increase in voter turnout in Michigan? David Gornoski cautions us in heeding to the corporate fascism of Big Tech and the media. He highlights how universal healthcare will stamp out any chance of low-cost, non-toxic innovation in medicine. Join David Gornoski as breaks down the latest news surrounding this increasingly disputed election and more. Visit the A Neighbor...

What the Presidential Election Means - A Neighbor's Choice

November 04, 2020 23:17 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

David Gornoski continues his breakdown of this crazy, prolonged election. The host of A Neighbor's Choice gets to the bottom of the mysterious ballots that were counted all in Biden's favor in Michigan during the night. What can we conclude from seeing how the election is rolling out right before our eyes? "The biggest loser in this election, regardless of how you count the votes, is the corporate media." This election has certainly laid bare the Pravda media's unprecedented assault on the s...

Blake Masters on Why He is Endorsing Trump, Willie Fort: What's Going on in California? - A Neighbor's Choice

November 03, 2020 23:18 - 46 minutes - 22.3 MB

David Gornoski comments on some of the poll reports which says one in three Democrats are voting for Trump. Plus, Blake Masters, co-author of Zero to One with Peter Thiel, joins David to talk about why he is preferring Donald Trump over Joe Biden as well as the media's manipulation of the masses through "amnesia and serial bouts of monomaniacal hysteria." Also, Willie Fort, a friend of the show, calls in to report on what's going on in California besides the eerie anticipation of post-elect...

What is Freedom? NFL Star Jack Brewer: Trump's Impact on Minority Communities - A Neighbor's Choice

November 03, 2020 23:14 - 46 minutes - 22.2 MB

David Gornoski starts the show by reminding us of how Trump granted clemency to many non-violent federal inmates like Alice Marie Johnson, John Bolen, and Duke Tanner. In today's election day episode, David Gornoski is joined by former NFL star, philanthropist, and entrepreneur Jack Brewer. The two discuss President Trump's impact on the criminal justice system; Joe Biden's pro-establishment and anti-justice reform stances; Obama and Biden's ruination of Haiti; the extreme transformation of ...

The Election of Jesus, Veterans Radio with Diego Rivera - A Neighbor's Choice

November 02, 2020 23:23 - 46 minutes - 22.2 MB

If you vote for Biden, David Gornoski says, you're going to get more bailouts, more war, and more injustice. What should we do in this election? David points us to the anthropological effect of Christ and Him being "elected" over Barabbas by the crowd to be crucified on the cross. Should we divorce Jesus from the politics of our world? "Who are we going to trust? I trust the man that says 'mercy, not sacrifice.'" Join David Gornoski as he gives us some much needed wisdom from the master of h...

Tho Bishop: Should We Trust the Polls? - A Neighbor's Choice

November 02, 2020 23:20 - 46 minutes - 22.2 MB

Mises Institute's Tho Bishop joins David Gornoski for a special election eve episode of A Neighbor's Choice. David Gornoski starts the show by recounting his experience of attending a Trump rally and then tells us what he learned there, particularly from Ben Carson's speech. Can we objectively trust the polls? Tho Bishop explains to us how polls are designed while pointing out the many factors they overlook. What are these factors? Are we seeing the last days of corporate media in the case o...


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