David Boles: Human Meme artwork

David Boles: Human Meme

739 episodes - English - Latest episode: 17 days ago - ★★★★ - 7 ratings

This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!

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Kloefkorn and Stubblefield at the Platte Valley Press

August 26, 2016 19:14 - 14 minutes - 19.5 MB

William Kloefkorn and Charles Stubblefield were great poets! We share the longing legacy of Kloefkorn and Stubblefield via their work in the classroom, their publishing genius with the Platte Valley Press, and their lasting impression on the people they touched.

The Art of Yearning

August 26, 2016 19:09 - 14 minutes - 19.6 MB

What is the historical importance of yearning in literature? We explore the notion of yearning in the works of Nebraska authors Loren Eiseley, Willa Cather, and John G. Neihardt.

10txt in Podcast Performance

August 24, 2016 18:55 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

Here are three 10txt stories performed for the first time! In this edition, you'll hear, "I am the Night Train Killer" and "Beanie Blue, Queen of the Undernight" plus, "Marston Swain, Jr. Waits for His Life to Begin."

The Woman Who Married Her Brother and Became Her Mother (Podcast Edition!)

August 24, 2016 18:13 - 6 minutes - 6.6 MB

Here's another original bit of fiction! "The Woman Who Married Her Brother and Became Her Mother' originally appeared on October 4, 2013 as part of the BolesBlogs.com network and you may read the story, in text form, on that website.

The Sorry Legend of the Great Bootsock (Podcast Edition!)

August 24, 2016 15:09 - 9 minutes - 8.58 MB

Here is the starry, sorry, legend of the Great Bootsock! In this original story -- and published November 8, 2013 at BolesBlogs.com -- we learn of a great high school football player who fell in the glittery days of college, and who had to settle for a life, not in the heavens, but stuck, hard, in the ethereal ground.

Only Tomorrow Matters

August 23, 2016 14:39 - 7 minutes - 7.14 MB

What kind of life do you want to have? We compare the Anarchist to the Passivist and how the memes of knowledge become moments of sharing beyond the classroom. What we know, defines us, and what we do not know, defeats us.

American Gargoyle: A Cloven Hoof in the Homeland

August 22, 2016 13:14 - 16 minutes - 15.8 MB

In this original fairytale, you meet an orange-faced Gargoyle. That short-fingered, cloven-hoofed, Vulgarian God is set upon the destruction of the world, and is served by three, misshapen, children as the rest of humanity are rendered mute with nukes. Then -- a child appears -- to tame the hatred, and stanch the drooling, with the gift of kindness; and the world is able to be re-birthed again, in the valley of the homeland.

A Pineal Annealing

August 19, 2016 14:37 - 14 minutes - 13.8 MB

Our pineal gland is the key to healing. We share the ways and means of annealing your pineal gland -- your very own grain-of-rice-sized pinecone in the middle of your brain in perfect Fibonacci Golden Spiral form -- for greater health, and insight into your world, and galaxies beyond the human meme!

Of Wealth and the Starless Eye

August 18, 2016 14:41 - 11 minutes - 11.1 MB

How do we measure success: Using the wallet and social status? We explore the common themes of winning and losing; and we shares the story of a young woman we used to know who sold her future, and the futures of her children, to the highest, social, bidder. 

Life of Curation

August 17, 2016 14:07 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

Our greatest duty is to curate each other. We investigate what we decide together to improve, provide, and empower. We also share a mistake he made during a Freshman year of teaching Freshman writing!

Disability and Indifference

August 16, 2016 15:29 - 14 minutes - 14.5 MB

Do we still care to care for the disabled -- or do we only want them fixed? We discuss why we may think there are right protections​ in place​, like the Americans With Disabilities Act, to guarantee and ensure equal access; but as society changes, ​​Eugenics rises again, The Ugly Laws become revitalized, and we have a return to those who prefer to cull the herd instead of lifting up everyone. Even 23andMe are disaffected in wanting to fix instead of help!

Omne Trium Perfectum: The Rule of Three

August 15, 2016 15:11 - 23 minutes - 22.5 MB

We believe in Threes -- for there is power in the multiple choosing! -- but, why? We consider Sigmund Freud's fascinating essay, "The Theme of the Three Caskets" to help divine answers in our need for a triple choice. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and "King Lear" hold clues to caskets of gold, silver and lead and -- in the final absorption -- we find the unadorned, instinctual, reflexive, viral, choosing of The Goddess of Death as the real value in every human life.

Ubiquitous Distribution Channels

August 12, 2016 14:51 - 12 minutes - 12.6 MB

How do we distribute knowledge, and information, and human emotion? We uproot ways of thinking about publishing, broadcasting, education and religious tenets. In the end, there is only one distribution channel that matters across every simple syndication and human emotion.

De Anima and the Demon Soul

August 11, 2016 14:32 - 13 minutes - 13.3 MB

Aristotle tried to give form to the function of the human soul. We search the human experience for meaning in the evolution of our communal concept of the soul -- ending in an indictment of what has become, in the Modern Age, the moral ubiquity of the Demon Soul!

Black Rum, Blacker Pride

August 10, 2016 18:28 - 8 minutes - 8.28 MB

James Baldwin was one of the greatest Race Writers in America. We examine the biting words of the author in historical context. The violent, early, deaths of his friends: Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. all transformed James Baldwin's vision of America.

Q is for Quadroon

August 09, 2016 15:37 - 19 minutes - 19.4 MB

This podcast is packed raw with raves that enrapture the world! Topics include: iTunes reviews, Contact Lenses, Obummer, Education, Marriage, Ending with AT, Ancestry, New York City, and Quadroons!

Obama Baring Arms

August 08, 2016 21:02 - 12 minutes - 12.3 MB

In today's podcast, we are full of rants! Topics include Obama, Pigs in the Street, The Olympics, Apple, News Reader Fashion Critiques, Flippity-Flops and Undue Drug Prices! Join the rage by subscribing today!

A Prison Story

August 05, 2016 18:40 - 8 minutes - 8.35 MB

Gideon is a man who went to prison to help guarantee our freedom. We examine the life of Clarence Earl Gideon, a prisoner and petty criminal who helped guarantee our fundamental right to counsel and free access to a Public Defender. In the example of Gideon, we are taught that no one is above the law, and no poor person is below the law. The Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments were never so alive!


August 05, 2016 15:58 - 15 minutes - 15.4 MB

We answer your questions about sunshine and podcasting! Other topics include Porsche, Buick, Willa Cather, Robert Frost, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump!

Crumbling in a Pyramid of Lies

August 04, 2016 18:46 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

How do we deal with serial liars? These professional fibbers build up each lie, carefully, preternaturally, like spit on a broom! We share a story of shameless misery dealing with a Millennial dog owner living above him who, while holding a dog in his arms, denies he has a dog in his arms.

Final Measure of Mercy

August 04, 2016 14:41 - 9 minutes - 9.09 MB

The last full measure of devotion divines us. How does the commoner find the way to the unadorned grave? We use the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln, Sen. Robert Kennedy, and Teddy Kennedy to bring us to understanding, and closure, for the regular lives lost among us.

Renewing the Covenant

August 03, 2016 19:45 - 12 minutes - 12.3 MB

How do we keep alive our connection with each other? We stay together by renewing covenants, closing circles, and remembering who and what we wish to become. We use the examples of a Washington, D.C. theatre, Columbia University in the City of New York, and Rep. John Lewis -- all as exemplars of covenants warned in excellence.

Allegiance and Justice and the Work of Craft

August 01, 2016 19:57 - 9 minutes - 8.64 MB

We fight for justice and pledge allegiance to each other and ourselves. How then, do we handle creators who give us public joy and communal introspection -- while their personal lives are broken to the bone and morally corrupt in the being? We discuss the hard decisions we have to make when it comes to honoring Craft vs. Creator!

Reflections in a Blind Soul

August 01, 2016 18:15 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

How do we teach our children to tend their souls? Do we set an example for imitation? Or are children born with a soul that blindly leads them right? We consider the nurturing memes that form us early in childhood. A soul is not for the safekeeping. A soul for made for the community sharing!

Good Luck and the Blessings of Merit

August 01, 2016 16:34 - 10 minutes - 10.3 MB

Are we born lucky? Or does luck become us? We analyze the Meme, and the merits, of blessings, luck, and spectral intervention. Beware of tricksters wishing to make your luck -- their own divinity!

Veneration in Death

July 29, 2016 19:54 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

How do we quantify and qualify our grief for the dead? Is personal mourning less valuable than the public grief expressed in social media and along the public square? Is a dead athlete more valuable to community function than a dying child? We examine how, and why, we mourn apart, and as a nation, together.

An Irrevocable Aesthetic

July 28, 2016 18:13 - 10 minutes - 10.3 MB

How do we create ideas that survive within others? That is the idea of an -- "Irrevocable Aesthetic" -- that propagates from person-to-person long after you are gone. There are ways of knowing that are universal in the evidence of memory and an in the expression of residual effluence. Everything flows! Join us in this discussion of the human myth.

Temptation and the Divine Stave

July 27, 2016 18:33 - 11 minutes - 11.3 MB

How we want what we cannot have is a temptation that deserves a knuckling down from a divine hand. What happens when divinity is lost, social policy becomes less aware and the laws of us fail to reorient our moral conundrum? How do we find our way out of childish things?

Podcasting the Podcast

July 26, 2016 19:09 - 15 minutes - 14.1 MB

We discuss the technocrat bits of upgrading your podcast. But first, we share a brief history of the Yale School of Drama Mafia. Then, we're on to microphones, headphones, audio decoders, recording and editing software, podcast philosophy, hosting services, and other enhanced details of the evolution of this series.

Education and the Uneven Mind

July 22, 2016 15:12 - 22 minutes - 19.1 MB

Education in America is unequal. There are barriers to learning that must be breached. How do we equally teach every mind that is ripe to learn? Can we economically survive as a nation when elite education is too expensive to afford? To know, we must fight together!

Answering the Angry Inbox

July 22, 2016 15:07 - 16 minutes - 14.1 MB

We answer angry email from his Inbox! You'll learn about God and Guns and Terrorism -- all in the first two minutes!

Pain and Compunction

July 21, 2016 18:35 - 18 minutes - 15.8 MB

We live tortured lives filled with pain propagated by others against us. How do we survive as body is set against mind? Who peed the bed? We look to drama and yogis and morality to save us from the others of us. We must allow each other our grief!

Perseverance in Longevity

July 21, 2016 17:29 - 12 minutes - 10.5 MB

How may we become successful when those around us don't share the same vision? We stay. We will not be moved. We may be mocked or cut off or abandoned, but we always continue on our mark, remain our pathway, and blaze a bright sky in the moonlight.

Publishing and the Parochial Mind

July 20, 2016 19:14 - 14 minutes - 12 MB

Publishing is for everyone, not just mega-media conglomerates, and in this examination of the transferrable memetic, we evaluate the memes and methods of various terms of teams from the Book to the future of threadbare, socialized, publication.

Understanding Aristotle's Poetics

July 20, 2016 18:08 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

This is a discussion of the staves of dramatic theory: Plot, Character, Thought, Diction, Music, and Spectacle! The Poetics!

Why Do We Create?

July 19, 2016 17:12 - 12 minutes - 11 MB

Why do we create Art and People and Books and Sandwiches? What drives the human compunction to be remembered? How do we divine the truth? Why are we able to withstand the challenges of time? Technology replaces technology, but what replaces us? (NOTE: Yes, I know burning witches was before the founding of the nation -- a misspeak that is now preserved as part of the Human Meme in amber! -- but please take the point of the riddled point)

The Idea of Beauty

July 18, 2016 18:35 - 14 minutes - 12.1 MB

The idea of beauty is discussed. How have our tastes in physical beauty, Art and Architecture changes over time? What do we value if not beauty over the ugly? Does anyone aspire to ugliness?

Mechanization of the Self and the Loss of Wonder

July 18, 2016 17:46 - 16 minutes - 13.5 MB

We discuss how life has changed from mechanization, and the loss of wonder. Transportation, Communication and Social Living are examined.

What is a Human Meme?

July 18, 2016 16:56 - 11 minutes - 9.49 MB

This is the first episode! The definition of a human life is at stake, and the loss of elastic thinking is also examined. "What does it mean to live a human life?"