Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

During this 7-day Insight meditation retreat, we will learn to develop a greater sense of care for ourselves and for our world through the revolutionary practices of the Dharma. Using a hybrid of mindfulness, loving-kindness and compassion meditation techniques, we will develop emotional balance by uncovering what blocks us from our own well-being, and begin to free ourselves into the heart of wisdom and compassion.

Each day will include periods of sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, interviews and some group process. Through meditative insight, we see clearly that our thoughts and emotions don’t need to define or control us. In their greatest capacity, they can guide us towards what is most meaningful in our lives. At their most destructive, we’re caught by them: lost in the grip of anger, sadness, fear, or overwhelm. This suffering is natural and human, but we can learn to create more space, choice, and ease in the face of life’s inevitable ups and downs.