What You'll Hear In This Episode:

- Zia discovering burlesque and being captivated by its freedom and openness

- Struggling with embracing sensuality, sexuality, and femininity

- Therapy, self-work, and self-love to deconstruct upbringing in a religion

- Her journey defining success based on personal truth and self-acceptance

- Societal expectations and the patriarchy's influence on women's self-worth

- Stripping industry stigma and mistreatment, advocating for better protection and acceptance

- Zia's admiration for strippers' sales skills and work ethic

- Prioritizing performance over seeking male attention

- Embracing and appreciating sensuality and beauty through burlesque

- The importance of self-love, sensuality, and personal exploration


Key quotes:

"In the process of pursuing what I love, it brings a satisfaction and joy of life that I never thought I could have." — Zia Sandía

“When you start learning how to trust yourself, you can take another person’s point of view and think about it, but not let it hurt you." — Zia Sandía

"It sounds like as a woman, it can be incredibly empowering to feel your beauty, your sensuality, instead of feeling that there's something wrong with it. That is an issue for women today…they find their power in their work and their corporate jobs and in all these other things, and they lose sight of who they are as women." — Lisa Shield

"To excite the audience, to pull out sensuality and lure them in on a mass scale was something that was such a challenge to me, like something I didn't ever think I could do." — Zia Sandía

"You have to find the sensuality and the beauty within yourself in order to invoke that to others." — Zia Sandía

"It would be nice if [sex work] were more accepted and if it were more protected... the women could be more protected." — Lisa Shield

'We are taught as women that we are a threat and we need to stay in line. And if we are going to be seen as worth it or worthy to a man, we better learn our place. And that teaches women that they need to offer something more than what they just are to be good enough.'" — Zia Sandía

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