Our first English guest is one of our heroes in the field of dataviz. Right after he returned from his sabbatical, we had the opportunity to talk with him. In this episode of the podcast, we have a conversation with Andy Kirk.

We talked with him about:

- how he discovered dataviz as a career,

- his studies (University and a Master in Dataviz!),

- his career (since 2011 a free-lancer as Dataviz specialist),

- his books (Data Visualisation and the Seinfield Chronicles),

- his hobbies (Seinfeld, Liverpool, art and music),

- and of course, about his sabbatical (11 weeks off). We are curious about the insights he gained during this period and his plans for the future.

A lot of more topics are discussed, listen to the whole podcast via your favourite podcast provider or via this link:

Interesting links as mentioned during the podcast are:

· Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/visualisingdata

· Follow him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andykirk-visualisingdata/

· His website with great articles: https://www.visualisingdata.com/

· To celebrate his 10-year work anniversary and the winning of the second prize at Malofiej, he celebrates this a with prize contest! Read more in this blog: https://www.visualisingdata.com/2021/10/celebrating-10-years-freelancing-with-a-prize-contest/

· https://www.visualisingdata.com/2021/06/a-silver-award-from-malofiej-29/

· http://seeingdata.org/

· S-H-O-W Conference https://graphichuntersshow.nl/

Do you have interesting questions, remarks, or tips for us? Please let us know by sending them to: [email protected] or [email protected].

#dataliteracy #datadriven #dataviz #datavisualisation #datavisualiseren #datadesign #storytelling #design #designresearch #dataart #visualisingdata #seinfeld #SeinfieldChronicles #liverpool #cleverfranke #graphichunters #malofiej

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