During this special episode, Felipe joins a panel at the Australian Taxation Office. Felipe speaks on four main topics:

Improvements in the data industry.

Felipe’s views on privacy.

Quantum computing and how it will affect machine learning.

New developments on AI and how they are impacting jobs.

So much of the analytic work we do is to benefit the organization. How do you also ensure data analytics are helping the customer? It needs to be done in a way that is presenting meaningful insight for the individual. For instance, car technology today comes with a range of sensors and cameras that are making decisions. However, this data isn’t being collected and reported back to the customer. Grocery stores are also collecting data and using it to make predictions. For example, stores know when their consumers will need to buy toilet paper. The stores should be sending a reminder to their consumers by reusing the data they already have.

Then, Felipe discusses ethics in artificial intelligence. Algorithms are consistently being deemed racist and sexist. We need to realize that the algorithm only learns the bias because the bias is in the data. When we find these errors, we can have tough conversations and improve the algorithms.

Later, Felipe talks about how AI is impacting jobs. For instance, AI is now creating custom videos and articles for popular news websites. On one side of the argument, we are going to have a much more efficient economy. While on the other hand, many people say we are going to lose jobs. Felipe says that most jobs will be enhanced by AI instead of being replaced by AI.

Enjoy the show!

We speak about:

[02:55] Making data analytics benefit the customer

[11:30] Ethics in artificial intelligence

[14:20] Felipe’s views on privacy

[16:30] Quantum computing and how it will affect machine learning

[19:00] How AI is impacting jobs


ATO: https://www.ato.gov.au


“The same data that is prepared for the organization can be taken to benefit the consumer.”

“The data is biased because it is a representation of our world.”

“I think that the discussion around privacy heightens when we move it away from value.”

“Jobs will be enhanced by AI, not replaced by AI.”

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