During this special episode, Felipe speaks at the IAPA National Conference. His presentation focuses on making analytics matter for your customers. More specifically, Felipe speaks on these topics:

About organizations making a mindset shift.

How analytics professionals can leverage the work they do.

The ways we can add value to the end customer.

Many companies claim they put customers first, but how do they show it? Companies have heaps of data on their customers. The next wave of companies that do great will actually show customers that they care about them. There are three simple ways to use analytics for your customers:

Benchmarking. For instance, when a student gets a test back. What percentage of students did better them? Benchmarking is often overlooked, yet it can provide excellent value to the customer.

Predictions and forecasts. We have loads of data on our customers to benefit the business. However, automated tools can redirect the data and use it for the benefit of the customer.

Key drivers. Everyone wants to be better. We can give our customers feedback on how they can be better and achieve the goals that they have.

Felipe uses grocery stores as his first example of how to implement these three steps. If the app sees you are buying pasta and sauce, they can offer their customer free garlic bread as a gift from the store. It’s a personalized and unexpected gift. The algorithms will also know when their customers are going to need toilet paper. This information is valuable to the company. It can be valuable to the customer because they can send a reminder to the consumer’s app.

What do customers want? They want some perspective in their lives. What’s something about the customer you can inform them about that they don’t already know? Stay tuned as the audience asks questions to Felipe.

Enjoy the show!

We speak about:

[01:40] About Felipe

[04:10] Developing a relationship with your customer

[06:30] Three ways to use analytics for your customer

[12:50] Grocery store example

[15:50] Car example

[20:55] Business owners can also use analytics

[24:30] What do the customers want?

[27:15] Questions from the audience


IAPA: https://www.iapa.org.au/advancing-analytics


“Five to seven percent of the data that is being captured is actually getting used.”

“We can get more intimate with our services once we focus our value on the customer.”

“Start with the data that you already have from the customers that you already have.”

“There is a risk of being creepy when you have too much data on someone.”

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