At 17, Melane was hospitalized, fighting leukemia. Through her cancer journey and miraculous recovery, she gained an understanding of her purpose, faith, and the power of a positive mindset, all of which laid the foundation for her business success. She takes the time to delve into the initial career focus starting as a nurse and what prompted her in this endeavour was the substandard emotional care received while she herself was hospitalized. She wanted to ensure that she could positively impact other patients in a similar predicament. She takes time to speak about the backstory of what it took to build her business, during this time, she endured panic attacks, anxiety, bouts of depression, financial distress, and working long hours regularly to meet her goals. She described moments how she soothed her inner child, took time to check in with herself and breathe, and disengage from thought spirals and engage in deliberate relaxation to keep stress levels to a minimum. After navigating a crushing bout of burnout in her late 20s, she took to understanding her purpose, joined it with her faith, and with no business experience or training and minimal capital, she found a way for her business to begin being both impactful and purpose driven. Her key message to the listeners is that: deal with your scars, honour and examine these scars; you are not alone; surrender to the process; know there’s hope; celebrate your wins; operate yourself from a place of purpose and passion.